
Check out our ADAA members' new books that offer help for the public and support for professionals.
As a medication used traditionally as an anesthetic, ketamine now shines as a potential lifeline for those battling severe depression, anxiety, and suicidality. Its ability to provide rapid and effective relief in treatment-resistant cases offers hope to those struggling with severe mental health challenges.
Does the thought of using a public restroom fill you with dread? Shy bladder syndrome, or paruresis, is more than a minor inconvenience; it represents a significant performance anxiety disorder affecting countless individuals
Firearm ownership is undoubtedly a risk factor for suicide. While it is not the only risk factor, it is a significant one and certainly the most lethal. Firearms are a common method of suicide in veterans with high rates of gun ownership.
Anxiety most certainly does exist for older adults and many in this age group will tell you just how derailing it can be. But detecting it in the first place can be a challenge for some.
Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) can often make us feel like we have no control over our behaviors and that we’re at the mercy of an endless cycle. Here are 6 ways you can set yourself up to combat your BRFB outside of your home.
To change societal perceptions towards OCD, we must first understand what those perceptions are. The purpose of this post is to share key takeaways regarding pre-service teachers’ (PSTs’) perceptions of and stigmas towards OCD, and how we can increase awareness within our schools and communities.
How can we process inconceivable events and go about living our day to day lives? As a trauma and anxiety therapist, I am here to tell you that while it is extremely difficult, it is possible. Here are some suggestions for how to cope during these difficult times.
When anxiety disrupts a child’s everyday life, the first thing most parents focus on is finding a good therapist for their child or teen to work with. Once parents secure that coveted afternoon slot with an anxiety specialist, they breathe a huge sigh of relief.
You could not be happier for your child/nibling/client. They’ve finally made it to grade 12 and have been wanting to leap into their future for ages. You thought now would be a quiet and calm few months as they wait to hear back, but instead it seems as though their anxiety is reaching new heights. Should you be concerned?