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ADAA Conference


Alies Muskin Career Development Leadership (CDLP) Program


The mission of the CDLP program is to inspire the next generation of ADAA and mental health professional leaders.

The program, open to members and non-members, encourages students & early career clinicians and researchers to engage in creative discourse about anxiety, depression and co-occurring disorders in a diverse, multidisciplinary community. CDLP provides for an intensive mentoring and professional development opportunity offered at ADAA's Annual Conference. 

Submit Your 2025 CDLP Application   

Questions about the CDLP program? Please email [email protected] 


CDLP Track Information +

CDLP awardees are grouped into: 

  • Basic Neuroscience/Clinical Research Track
    • Ideal for those who hope to pursue a science-focused career in anxiety or mood disorders
      • Participants will have a full-day of mentorship, panels, and participation in small group presentations with mentor feedback on awardee abstracts OR a proposed research study or grant idea. Awardees are required to present a poster at the ADAA conference.
  • Clinical Track

    You're a good fit for CDLP if...

    • You're in the first five years of your career
    • You're in your first job and want to learn about other career opportunities with your degree
    • You're curious about what continuing education, supervision, mentorship, and consultation will help move you forward in your career
    • You're interested in learning more about how to market yourself
    • You're unsure of how to go about honing your specialization
      • The Clinical track sustains programming for clinicians whose primary career focus is providing clinical care in private practice, hospital settings, community mental health centers, and other clinical or research settings.  In addition, we will also develop programming for faculty or staff on Clinical Tracks in academic institutions. 
        • Participants will have a full-day of mentorship, panels, Q&A, and one-on-one time with their assigned mentor. Awardees have the opportunity to present a clinical or clinical research poster at the ADAA conference.

Award Components +


Awardees must participate in the full day program to qualify for the award components.

  • Complimentary conference registration (a $500 value).
  • $500 cash award.
  • Complimentary two year ADAA membership (up to a $578 value). 
  • A full day of small-group mentoring sessions at the annual conference.
  • Assignment of a senior mentor.
  • Recognition at the conference. 
  • Basic Neuroscience and Clinical Research Tracks: Presentation of a physical poster at one of the Poster sessions at the conference is mandatory.
  • Clinical Track: Case consultation session with a senior clinician from the ADAA membership.
  • Featured profile on the ADAA website.
  • ABCT Conference - complimentary registrations for two research track CDLP awardees, acknowledgement at their awards ceremony and presentation of work at the welcoming cocktail party/SIG expo at the Anxiety Disorders SIG table. This opportunity does not provide any additional funding.
  • ACNP Conference- The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP) supports a number of CDLP awardees each year by providing waived annual meeting registration, a ACNP member mentor, the opportunity to present a poster and the opportunity to attend scientific sessions, opening reception, travel award reception and travel award luncheon. Additionally, for four years following the award year, ACNP will invite awardees to register (at their own expense) for future conferences. This opportunity does not provide any additional funding. More information will be provided to all CDLP awardees.
  • Please note that the CDLP program does not provide a travel or hotel allowance. ADAA strongly suggests awardees book their stay at the conference hotel.
  • Please note: ADAA allows up to a one-year extension for the award eligibility for individuals who may have taken time off for medical reasons, childbirth/adoption or other approved leave situations. If you fall under any of these categories please provide a written explanation of the reason for the extension in your application.

Award Eligibility +

  • Participants are required to attend all scheduled CDLP program events and attend the conference. After receiving the CDLP award and one year complimentary membership, become an active leader within ADAA, including but not limited to joining a Special Interest Group, starting a Special Interest Group, developing a professional/public webinar, writing a professional/public blog, or serving on a Committee.
  • ADAA members and non-members including international professionals (no visa assistance provided).
  • Graduate degree student (MD, MPH, MS/MSW, NP, PhD, PsyD), intern, resident, or postdoctoral fellow.*
  • Early career researchers and clinicians who have completed their training within the last five years. The program welcomes applications from:
    • Masters in Counseling, Masters in Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapists, Trainees/Graduates in Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychologists, School Psychologists, Neuropsychologists.*
  • ADAA recognizes, supports, and values the inclusion of diverse groups, educational backgrounds, and views and encourages award applications from minority groups. ADAA also encourages interdisciplinary as well as international applicants.
  • Note: Previous awardees are not eligible to re-apply to the same track, but are welcome to apply to a different track.
  • *Note: ADAA allows up to a one-year extension for the award eligibility for individuals who may have taken time off for medical reasons, childbirth/adoption or other approved leave situations. If you fall under the above categories, please provide a written explanation of the reason for the extension in your application.

Application Requirements +

Basic Neuroscience/Clinical Research Track: 

  • Title (submission title will be your research/poster title)
  • Presenter – Primary presenter information (position and year required).
  • Headshot and biosketch.
  • Non-presenting co-author(s) may be added.
  • Abstract - Include background, methods, results and conclusion.
  • Track – Basic Neuroscience or Clinical Research.
  • Personal statement - Personal statement must describe your career goals and specifically highlight your research interests in anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders. Address why you want to attend the Anxiety and Depression Conference and participate in the CDLP and how this will benefit you. Explain how you plan to serve as a leader within ADAA as your career progresses. (Minimum Length – 2500 characters; Maximum Length – 3000 characters)
  • Supporting Documents – CV and Reference letter required. Other materials optional.

Clinical Track:

  • Title (submission title will be your first and last name)
  • Headshot and biosketch.
  • Applicant – Position and year information required.
  • Case Conceptualization or Clinical Research Abstract - If your primary area of work is clinical research, and you do clinical work within your scope of practice, similarly include a case conceptualization that exemplifies your clinical practice (this is preferred). Alternatively, you may provide a full description of your clinical research that effectively demonstrates your work and provides insight into how this research will impact clinical practice. You will need to include a full case conceptualization that exemplifies your current clinical practice. While we are not requiring a particular format, the case conceptualization should include all pertinent clinical information and effectively demonstrate your work. 
  • Personal statement - Personal statement must describe your career goals and specifically highlight your research interests in anxiety, depressive, obsessive-compulsive, and trauma-related disorders. Address why you want to attend the Anxiety and Depression Conference and participate in the CDLP and how this will benefit you. Explain how you plan to serve as a leader within ADAA as your career progresses. (Minimum Length – 2500 characters; Maximum Length – 3000 characters)
  • Supporting Documents; CV,  and a reference letter required. Other materials optional.

Additional Information: Mentorship and Past Awardees +

Meet the 2024 CDLP Awardees

Interested in becoming a CDLP Mentor? Find more information here.

Meet all CDLP Past Awardees

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