Webinars for Mental Health Treatment Providers & Researchers
ADAA offers high quality continuing education webinars for mental health professionals on anxiety, depression, OCD, and co-occurring disorders. ADAA works with AMEDCO to accredit webinars and educational sessions. Not all webinars are eligible for CE/CME credit.
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Although nearly all clinicians working with patients with OCD administer the Y-BOCS, many take liberties when administering the assessment.
Examining the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation, Sleep Quality, and Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis
Social Camouflaging in Autistic Adolescents and its Association with Social Processes and Anxiety
The Myth of “Having it All:” Finding your Work-Life Rhythm for Female- and Women-Identified Mental Health Care Professionals
Superhero Therapy: Combining Evidence-Based Therapy with Pop Culture Narratives to Help Clients Heal
Methylation of the AIM2 gene: A common biomarker for PTSD-related inflammation and neuropathology
#ADAA2022 Donald F.
Migraine and depression have a bidirectional relationship, meaning depression increases the risk of migraine and vice versa. Those with depression are 3.4 times more likely to develop migraine. Conversely, those with migraine are 5.8 times more likely to develop depression.
Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole! A Clinical Approach to Unanswerable Questions and the Quest for Certainty
Contextual Behavioral Approaches to Reducing Minority Stress Among Sexual and Gender Minority Clients
A Global Perspective on Resilience Factors as Moderators of Variability in Mental Health During COVID-19 in Diverse Clinical and Community Populations
Research Feature - Mapping An Anxiety Spectrum: A Neurobiological Marker of Severity and Prognosis In Mood and Anxiety Disorders
#ADAA2021Virtual Donald F. Klein Awardee Research Presentation
Suicide and Suicide Prevention: Ethical and Legal Perspectives
Anxiety across the globe is at an all-time high with a pandemic that has brought fear and uncertainty to all. For individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), there has been a risk for increased symptoms, due to COVID-19 and increased isolation.
Medical Marijuana Laws & Evidence for Harmful/Beneficial Effects in Depression and Anxiety Disorders
The Phased Approach to COVID-19 Mental Health Response (PAC) is a framework for COVID-19 mental health response developed by ADAA members Drs. Sheila Rauch, Naomi Simon, and Barbara Rothbaum to aid in responding to and planning for mental health impacts of the current pandemic.
The current COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented in reach around the world and the extended nature of this invisible threat. All are impacted whether it is direct impact on health or employment or indirect impact through availability of services and loved ones.
The COVID19 pandemic has required mental health practitioners to shift from providing largely in-person therapeutic intervention, to operating a complete Telemental Health psychotherapy practice. This change not only requires knowledge of ethical and legal requirements (i.e.
Tips to help clinicians address the problems of running their clinical practice during the COVID-19 pandemic and help them improve how they manage the problems of helping patients maintain and build upon progress in treatment that is disrupted by public self-quarantine and lock down in response t
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is emerging as a potential intervention for patients with highly treatment-resistant depression (TRD). Early, open-label studies supported the safety and potential efficacy of DBS for TRD but later randomized, controlled trials have yielded mixed results.
Dr. Alexandra Hamlet, a Clinical Psychologist with the Child Mind Institute in New York, discusses the current research and the current challenges facing young people who are members of the LGBTQ community. Dr.
In this webinar, Dr. Gorbis will provide an overview on how to identify, assess, and diagnose Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD).
This two-part webinar series focuses on the transdiagnostic understanding and treatments for youth and conquering negative thinking and behavior including the relevance of neural circuitry.
This webinar discusses CBT for pediatric OCD with a particular focus on involving family members and managing complex symptoms such as comorbid presentations and poor insight/motivation.
Continuing Education credits are not available for this archived webinar.