ADAA Member Awards

Boost Search Results

The ADAA Awards Program recognizes member participation and commitment to the association and to the community. 

Selection Process: ADAA member awards are selected annually by the Board of Directors in partnership with ADAA staff to recognize outstanding member contributions to ADAA and the mental health community.

Award Categories

Member of Distinction Award

This award recognizes a mid-career or senior clinician or researcher who advances the mission of ADAA through significant service and commitment to the organization and its membership.

The recipient is recognized at the Opening Session of the annual conference and presented with a plaque.

Eligibility Criteria

  • ADAA member for 10 years or more
  • Record of service through participation in the organization's committees, task forces or boards, mentoring, special initiatives, or involvement in the annual conference.

This award recognizes midcareer and senior clinicians and researchers who advance the mission of ADAA through significant service and commitment to the organization and its membership.


Paul Holtzheimer, MD
Dartmouth Medical School

Jenny Yip, PsyD, ABPP 
Renewed Freedom Center for Rapid Anxiety Relief


W. E. Craighead, PhD
Emory University, Atlanta

Arash Javanbakht, MD
Wayne State University


James Abelson, MD, PhD
University of Michigan

Scott Rauch, MD
McLean Hospital

Karen Martinez, MD, MsC
University of Puerto Rico


Adriana Feder, MD
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 


Ellen Teng, PhD
Michael E. DeBakey VA Medical Center, Houston

Jamie Micco, PhD
Co-Founder and Managing Partner of The Concord Center, Lecturer in Psychology, Part-Time, at Harvard Medical School

Carmela Alcantara, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center, New York

Sarah Hayes-Skelton, PhD
Columbia University Medical Center, New York


Cindy J. Aaronson, MSW, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine 

Gordon Asmundson, PhD
University of Regina 

Charles B. Nemeroff, MD, PhD
ADAA President Elect and Chief Medical Officer
Dell Medical School/The University of Texas at Austin 

Sanjay J. Mathew, MD
ADAA Board Member
Baylor College of Medicine / Michael E. Debakey VA Medical Center 


Mark H. Pollack, MD
Grainger Professor and Chairman
Department of Psychiatry, Rush University Medical Center


Elizabeth DuPont Spencer, LCSW-C
DuPont Associates, PA

Murray B Stein MD, MPH, FRCPC
University of California, San Diego


Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School

Lynne Siqueland, PhD
Children's and Adult Center for OCD & Anxiety


Kimberly Morrow, LCSW
Private Practice

Daniel S. Pine, MD
National Institute of Mental Health


Robert Ackerman, MSW 
Anxiety Disorders Treatment in Brooklyn

Peter Roy-Byrne, MD
Editor in Chief, Journal Watch Psychiatry
Editor in Chief, UpToDate Psychiatry
ADAA Depression and Anxiety Journal Editor-in-Chief from 2008-2017.
Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychiatry, University of Washington School of Medicine
Co-founder, Psychiatric Medicine Associates


C. Alec Pollard, PhD
Saint Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute Anxiety Disorders Center
St. Louis University

Risa Weisberg, PhD
ADAA Board Member
Assistant Chief of Psychology, VA Boston Healthcare System
Training Director, VA Boston Healthcare System Clinical Psychology Internship Program
Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine
Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Adjunct Professor of Family Medicine, Alpert Medical School of Brown University


James Abelson, MD, PhD
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Naomi Simon, MD (Researcher)
ADAA Board Member
Director, New York University Langone, Anxiety and Complicated Grief Program
Director, Center for Anxiety & Traumatic Stress Disorders
Chief Medical Officer, Home Base, Red Sox Foundation and Massachusetts General Hospital

Karen Cassiday, PhD (Clinician)
ADAA Past Board President
Clinical Director and Owner, The Anxiety Treatment Center, Deerfield & Chicago, Illinois
Clinical Assistant Professor, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Sciences
Clinical Director for Rogers Behavioral Health Chicago


Jerilyn Ross Clinician Advocate AwardJerilyn Ross_2010.jpg

To honor the memory and lifework of Jerilyn Ross, ADAA's cofounder and president from 1985 to 2010, this award acknowledges a professional who exemplifies excellence and outstanding advocacy for patient education and care, training, and research. The recipient is recognized at the Opening Session of the annual conference and presented with a plaque.

Eligibility Criteria

  • ADAA member
  • Mental health professional from any clinical discipline
  • Demonstrated track record of advocacy on behalf of those suffering from anxiety disorders
  • Proven highest standards of empirically supported care or clinical innovation
  • Must attend the ADAA Annual Conference


Sheila Rauch, PhD, ABPP 
Emory University School of Medicine


Beth Salcedo, MD
The Ross Center, Washginton, DC


Suma Chand, PhD
St. Louis University


Richa Bhatia, MD
Santa Rosa Community Health, California 


Angela Neal-Barnett, PhD
Kent State University


Mary K. Alvord, PhD
Alvord, Baker & Associates, LLC, Rockville, MD 

Kevin Chapman, PhD
Private Practice, Louisville, Kentucky


Simon Rego, PsyD, ABPP, ACT
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY


Richard Heimberg, PhD
Temple University, Pennsylvania


Terence M. Keane, PhD
VA Boston Healthcare System, National Center for PTSD


David H. Barlow Ph.D, ABPP
Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry Emeritus
Founder and Director Emeritus, Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders, Boston University


Reid Wilson, PhD
Director, Anxiety Disorders Treatment Center
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

2011 - Inaugural Award Recipient

Sally M. Winston, PsyD
Founder/Executive Director
The Anxiety and Stress Disorders Institute of Maryland


Special Recognition Award 

Each year at the ADAA annual conference, we select members for their participation and commitment to the association and to the public and professional communities.

The recipient is recognized at the Opening Session of the annual conference and presented with a plaque.


Lauren Sippel, PhD 
VA Northeast Program Evaluation Center

Michelle Bovin, PhD 
National Center for PTSD at VA Boston Healthcare System

Julia Martin Burch, PhD 
Harvard Medical School, and McLean Hospital


Ashley J. Smith,  PhD
Private Practice, Kansas City, MO

Melanie VanDyke, PhD
University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy, St. Louis, MO

Barbara O. Rothbaum, PhD
Emory Healthcare, Atlanta, GA


Mbemba Jabbi, PhD
University of Texas Dell Medical School

Lillian Reuman, PhD
Stonehill College


Lauren P. Wadsworth, PhD
Genesee Valley Institute of Psychology

Briana Woods-Jaeger, PhD
Emory University


Eda Gorbis, PhD, LMFT
Westwood Institute for Anxiety Disorders

Lizabeth Roemer, PhD
University of Massachusetts Boston


Jill Harkavy-Friedman, PhD
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention


The ADAA Public Education Committee
Debra Kissen, PhD - Co-Chair
Neal Sideman - Co-Chair
Click here to view a list of the entire PEC

Champion Award


Stephanie Woodrow, LCPC, NCC

Emerging Leader Award

Launched in 2019, this award honors early career professional members for outstanding service and commitment to advancing ADAA’s professional and/or public mission. 

The recipient is recognized at the Opening Session of the annual conference and presented with a plaque.


Rachel Lippin-Foster, LMSW - Early Career Professionals and Students SIG Leadership
Cognitive & Behavioral Consultants

Ashley Howell, PhD - Early Career Professionals and Students SIG Leadership
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

Lana Ruvolo Grasser, PhD -Early Career Professionals and Students SIG Leadership
National Institute of Mental Health

Alnardo Martinez - Early Career Professionals and Students SIG Leadership
Child Mind Institute

Anastasia Rose, BA
Yale Child Center  

Darius Dawson, PhD
Baylor College of Medicine


Olivia Bogucki, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School

Gopalkumar Rakesh, MD
UK Healthcare, Lexington, KY

Cecilia Hinojosa, PhD
Emory University, Atlanta, GA


Amy Przeworski, PhD
Case Western Reserve University


Alexandra Bettis, PhD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Amanda W. Baker, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School

2020 - No Awardees


Ashley Clausen, PhD
Duke University/Durham VAMC 

Krystal Lewis, PhD
Private Practice

Stephanie Woodrow, LCPC, NCC
Private Practice, DC

President's Award 2020

In honor of ADAA's 40th anniversary in 2020 this award recognized the achievements and commitment of  ADAA's 1st President, Robert DuPont, MD. With sincere gratitude and thanks for your vision and dedication.

Robert DuPont, MD
Dupont Associates, Rockville, MD

Founders Award

In honor of ADAA's 40th anniversary, this award recognizes the long-time involvement, contributions and commitment of ADAA's founding members. Thank you all for your many years of dedication and collaboration.

Cindy Aaronson, MSW, PhD
Icahn School of Medicine

James L. Abelson, MD, PhD
University of Michigan

Robert Ackerman, MSW, LCSW
Anxiety Disorders Treatment in Brooklyn

Stan Arkow, MD
Columbia University

James Ballenger, MD
Charleston Psychiatry Consultation, LLC

David Barlow, PhD
Boston University

Edna Foa, PhD
University of Pennsylvania

Abby J. Fyer, MD
Columbia University

Jack Gorman, MD

Eric Hollander, MD
Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Michael Liebowitz, MD
Medical Research Network

Martin Seif, PhD, ABPP
Anxiety and Phobia Treatment Center


Reid Wilson, PhD
Anxiety Disorders Treatment Center


Sally Winston, PsyD
Anxiety & Stress Disorder Institute of Maryland

Partner Recognition Award – new for 2024 

This award recognizes a partner organization that has consistently contributed to the success of ADAA’s annual conference and who engages with and supports ADAA’s public and professional mission year-round through special projects/grants. 

Vistagen Therapeutics 

Institutional Member Award – new for 2024 

This award recognizes an ADAA institutional member (s) who provides ongoing collaboration with ADAA to enhance our public facing content and outreach to the public as well as helping to develop professional education programming. 

McLean Hospital 
Rogers Behavioral Health 

Educational Resources
Tips & Strategies from our Member Experts and Public Community
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