
Mayte Forte, Alison Chavez, Bryan Balvaneda, Lorraine U. Alire, and Dr. Lizabeth Roemer

As many in the United States (US) stay home and practice social distancing to protect themselves from COVID-19, individuals from lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds face heightened barriers and risks.

Mitchell Greene, PhD

Most of us started out playing sports for fun. Practices and games were a chance to meet up with friends (old and new), to get away from our work-a-day lives, and take on an athletic challenge that got our hearts pumping and our endorphins firing.  

It’s easy to feel unsettled when we hear unsettling news on television or social media, particularly when several events happen at once.

Karen Cassiday, PhD

Let’s face it.  The holidays can be stressful for anyone with all of the expectations for joy, gift giving and getting together with family, friends and co-workers.

Arash Javanbakht, MD

Imagine one morning you wake up to a loud sound of explosion, and in disbelief find out the whole city is in chaos. There is no electricity, no tap water, grocery stores are closed indefinitely, and there is no gas for the car.

Vasiliki Michopoulos, PhD

Congratulations! You’ve graduated from college, landed your first adult job, and have moved across the country away from family and friends to enter the work force. Now what??

Santa Claus & Ken Goodman, LCSW

If anyone knows how stressful the holiday season can be, it’s Santa Claus. I've often wondered how he's able to keep his cool when things are heating up at the North Pole. I recently interviewed Santa and asked him how he handles holiday stress. Here's what he had to say.

Shane G. Owens, PhD, ABPP

Welcome to the big leagues, kid. You’re an adult now with a new job. You’ve been working for this all your life. Don’t screw it up!

Sound familiar?

On November 13, 2018, ADAA held a Twitter chat under the title #HolidayDepression.

Karen Martinez, MD, MSc

Anxiety is a natural emotion that directs our attention to possible threats.  Although we certainly need anxiety to survive, it sometimes can be a burden.