ADAA Event
For Professionals

Science and Media in the Pandemic: The Media, Medicine, and Mental Health

Date: September 21, 2021 - September 21, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EST
Submitted by lisebram on
12:00 pm
01:00 pm
ADAA Event
For Professionals

ADAA Webinar presented by Shane Owens, PhD, Aneri Pattani, and David J. Cennimo, MD

The COVID-19 pandemic provided professionals with unprecedented opportunities to work with the media to influence public opinion and behavior. In this webinar, a board-certified behavioral and cognitive psychologist, a quadruple-boarded infectious disease physician, and a journalist will discuss effective methods for working together to inform and influence the public. The three will provide examples of their work and describe how they have worked together before and during the pandemic to ensure that the public receives accurate and actionable information. They will delineate effective and ineffective ways of working together and discuss the ethical and professional issues which arise when working with the media.