
Just For Teens

So You Have OCD. Now What?

Having obsessive-compulsive disorder isn’t the end of the world. Of course you’d rather not have it, but just like asthma, diabetes, and other medical conditions, there is a treatment. You will be able to live with OCD and manage its symptoms. Just give yourself a little time to learn about this disorder and keep it under control.

Support Strategies

Strategies for Managing the Student and the Situation

When a student has OCD, the patterns of problems of the disorder may become more obvious and predictable. It’s unrealistic to expect disciplinary action to change what the student is unable to change, and it may actually create more stress for the already distressed student and exacerbate symptoms.

The Not-So-Obvious Symptoms of OCD in School

It may be hard to recognize that OCD is causing learning difficulties, interpersonal problems, or great distress and anxiety. When students are barraged by obsessive fears, doubts, and urges, they may perform rituals or compulsions to neutralize or undo these thoughts or feelings to try to feel better. But sometimes it’s not clear that a student’s behavior is connected to OCD. Students who have OCD may not perform these actions repeatedly in the classroom, or they may be completing rituals mentally or covertly.

OCD at School

OCD is like an unwelcome guest with bad manners. It moves into a mind — and it doesn’t want to leave.

Students with OCD may appear to be daydreaming, distracted, disinterested, or even lazy. They may seem unfocused and unable to concentrate. But they are really very busy focusing on their nagging urges or confusing, stressful, and sometimes terrifying OCD thoughts and images. They may also be focused on completing rituals, either overtly or covertly, to relieve their distress.

After a Trauma

After the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Paris, or elsewhere, many people may find themselves struggling with symptoms of anxiety, stress and even posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

The news of the latest terrorist attacks may trigger anxious thoughts and feelings in those who have experienced or witnessed life-threatening events.

by Kristle Lowell

I amKristle Lowell a world champion of trampoline gymnastics, and I have suffered from anxiety for many years. Having anxiety is like having diabetes or asthma: They are all illnesses. But in 20 years as a trampolinist, I have yet to see someone yelled at for having diabetes or asthma.

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about the benefits of treatment for anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, and PTSD — for children and teens, women, men, and all those suffering from related illnesses.

Please tweet, post on Facebook, or add the links to your own website — whatever works to get the word out that you are not alone and help is here!