Mental Health Strong


We are excited to host an online Share and Support Group on the first Tuesday night of every month from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Pacific Time.  This online group is primarily for spouses walking alongside loved ones with mental health and/or addiction challenges.  It  leverages the eight steps outlined in the award-winning book Mental Health Strong that offers faith-based, practical tips and real-life examples for helping marriages impacted by mental health and addiction challenges.

This support group is for you regardless of whether or not your spouse has been formally diagnosed with a mental health condition, as long as there are mental health challenges (such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, PTSD, etc.) or addictions (such as alcohol, drugs, sex, video gaming, food, spending, hoarding, etc.) that are impacting the marriage relationship.

The agenda for every online meeting is as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Review of the eight MH Strong steps
  • Share and Support
  • Resources and Prayer

Current zoom links will be shared only with those who register via our Meetup Group:

We have started hosting quarterly knowledge hours/webinars on various topics related to mental health. These webinars are live, and the recordings are hosted on vimeo and posted on our website, you can view the webinars here:

Virtual Meeting