How Do You Talk to Your Loved One Suffering With Depression?

How Do You Talk to Your Loved One Suffering With Depression?

Suma Chand, PhD


Suma Chand, PhD, is a Professor and Director of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, St Louis University School of Medicine.  She is involved in the training of Psychiatry residents and fellows in CBT and as a SLUCare Provider runs CBT clinics for adults and older adults offering individual and group CBT. Dr. Chand's clinical and research interests are in the areas of CBT for adults and older adults with anxiety and depressive disorders, sleep related problems and maladaptive perfectionism. She also writes blog posts on mental health topics. Dr. Chand is a member of the  Public Education Committee of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and serves on the Board of Directors for the National Social Anxiety Center.

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How Do You Talk to Your Loved One Suffering With Depression?

How Do You Talk to Your Loved One Suffering With Depression?

Family members often feel frustrated and helpless as they do not know what to say or how to behave with their loved one who they may view as not being proactive in trying to get better or being irritable and negative with them.

On the other hand, patients often report feeling judged and blamed for an illness that does not have the obvious and clear cut manifestations that physical illnesses have. I have often had my patients with depression tell me that they wished they had a major physical illness like cancer because people would then treat them with more understanding. What they are trying to convey is the fact that depression is often not viewed as the serious illness that it is and they don’t get the understanding or support that they long for. 

One of the first things I would advise family members would be to educate themselves about depression from valid and reliable sources so they develop a good understanding of the disorder. Being armed with knowledge about the disorder will help them to understand the different ways in which depression can impact their loved one and this will help to guide their own behavior with them.  

Expressing acceptance  

Receiving acceptance and love acts like a balm to someone with depression who is in emotional pain. Here are some of the ways in which acceptance can be expressed verbally:

“I know that you are dealing with an illness that is very troubling. I am here for you no matter what. We will fight this together.”

“Remember I love you no matter what.” 

“Don’t hesitate to ask me for help. It makes me happy to be able to help you. I know you would do the same for me if the tables were turned.” 

Expressing and demonstrating support 

While verbal expressions of acceptance and support are imperative, individuals with depression often need actual behaviors of support to help them make progress with their recovery just as an individual with a debilitating physical illness would need physical support. 

Here are some ways in which support can be expressed verbally and followed through with the associated behaviors:

 “I can go with you for your therapy and psychiatry appointments, if it will make it easier for you.”

“I understand that the depression is causing you to feel very fatigued and it is hard for you to do much. How can I help? If you want to try and do some of the things your therapist/psychiatrist has suggested I can do it with you or be with you as you do it.”

“Shall we watch some TV together?”

“Shall we go for a walk? We can go just as far as you want to go.”

“Would you like to try and spend a few minutes playing the piano (or any other activity that used to give pleasure before) and see how you feel about it? That is something you have always enjoyed.” 

“It is okay for us to skip the family gathering/party we have been invited for. I know that it is hard for you to socialize with large groups of people at this stage. I will decline the invitation, on our behalf don’t worry about it.”

“Would you like to meet with your good friend/favorite sibling? They are keen to meet with you. We can have him/her over for a short visit or meet in a restaurant.” 

 “Don’t worry if you cannot get something done in the morning. I know mornings are harder for you. It’s okay to do it later in the day when you feel better and have more energy.”

Helping your loved one with Depression develop balancing thinking

Aaron Beck, the father of cognitive behavior therapy, termed depression a thinking disorder. He noted that the thinking of individuals with depression tends to be dominated by characteristically negative and distorted thinking patterns.  They are particularly hard on themselves and tend to view the future as being bleak which triggers feelings of hopelessness. Hopelessness is a dangerous feeling since increased levels of this state can move the person towards suicidal thinking and behaviors.  Here are some things family members can say and do to help their loved one to develop a more balanced outlook: 

“I don’t know if you noticed but you have been more active of late - walking more, doing more chores around the house, you’re not crying much, you have been smiling more too -------.”

“How about we spend some time talking about some of the nice things that happened today or some of the things we felt grateful for? Will you go first, or should I?”

Talking about suicide

This is an important topic to bring up since depression is a major risk factor for suicide. Talking about it with individuals with depression does not make them think about doing it as many people fear. It will in fact help to prevent suicidal behaviors, since it will help ensure that they get the level of help they need and precautions can be taken to keep them safe. Here is an example of how it can be brought up: 

 “I was reading that people who suffer from depression can have thoughts of taking their own lives. This made me concerned about you dearest. Do you have such thoughts?” 

Silence can be golden sometimes

When their loved is being negative or irritable it can be difficult for family members to not take it personally. The best way for a family member to respond would be to let it go and not retaliate with anger. Being negative and irritable is a part of the depressed mood state and often linked to distorted thinking and erroneous perceptions, which is characteristic of depression. If necessary, the issue can be clarified later. However, it needs to be done with kindness and after some time has passed when both the patient and the family member are less upset and calmer.  

Depression is an illness that causes people to feel alone and isolated, so a family member showing up and being there with them makes a big difference. Sometimes, nothing needs to be said and all that is needed is a compassionate ear where you listen with empathy. Just being around your loved one in silence is okay too. It conveys caring and alleviates their sense of isolation. 

Suma Chand, PhD


Suma Chand, PhD, is a Professor and Director of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Program in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, St Louis University School of Medicine.  She is involved in the training of Psychiatry residents and fellows in CBT and as a SLUCare Provider runs CBT clinics for adults and older adults offering individual and group CBT. Dr. Chand's clinical and research interests are in the areas of CBT for adults and older adults with anxiety and depressive disorders, sleep related problems and maladaptive perfectionism. She also writes blog posts on mental health topics. Dr. Chand is a member of the  Public Education Committee of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America and serves on the Board of Directors for the National Social Anxiety Center.

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