
by Geralyn Ritter
To me, a survivor of trauma was someone who had been in a gruesome war or was violently abused or someone who was trafficked. I was just in a really bad accident, no one intended to hurt me. I should be happy that I survived when others didn’t and yes I was in pain all the time and I felt lousy, but I was one of the lucky ones. How could I be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder? 
by Ian Chew
At the core of all this social anxiety was the shame of not being good enough. Not being successful enough. Not being smart enough. Not being perfect enough.  Shame drove anxiety, which then drove perfectionism.
In collaboration with The Reach Institute, Dr. Wallace explains how parents can decrease the impact of anxiety on children and teens to help them function their best and find more joy in their lives.
by Roxanne Dierking
Due to the lack of awareness and understanding when people get (panic attacks) for the first time, they can think they are having a heart attack since your heart beats so vigorously while it's happening.
Dr. Widge presented at ADAA’s 2023 conference on how he believes “mental disorders are brain network disorders” and how treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) are quite possibly the wave of the future for certain mood and anxiety disorders, and particularly those that are treatment-resistant. 
Shame is “just” a feeling, but it can become very big and very painful. If it feels very big, it doesn’t mean there is something even worse about you, but rather that there are layers to it. We can make it smaller and more manageable by talking about it and listening to it. When you understand it and the feeling is smaller, it will be easier for you to work with it.  
by Richard Winepol
I have severe anxiety disorder with agoraphobia and panic disorder. These disorders made me have to change my life in many ways. You gotta keep fighting, stay positive, do things that don't frighten you until you beat the fear.
by Olga Kavina
I work as a freelance illustrator. It is very difficult for me to fit into a team and I prefer to work from home and communicate only with close friends. I often feel lonely, sad and anxious, but drawing helps me. I put my feelings on paper. 
by Dave Donahue
I became successful as an electrician but would self sooth with alcohol. Once I gave that up, the emotions had to go somewhere but where?
Now that telehealth and in-person services are available, what are important factors for clinicians, youth, and families to consider?