Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

by Melissa Binstock

Melissa Binstock-websize"Books, pencils, pens; books, pencils, pens." This was my mantra at age 8, when I sta

Living With OCD: One Woman's Story

The anxiety and shame started when Diance was 25. She was sitting in a pew at her church, where she is active in the ministry. It seemed to come out of nowhere. She felt as if she were going to jump out of her skin.

Diance doesn’t know why she felt so anxious. But she knows what she saw when the feeling overwhelmed her: a nearby woman wearing a v-neck sweater.

Toronto West OCD Group


The Toronto West OCD Group is a volunteer run peer led support group that has been meeting for 30 years. Our group endeavours to provide help and resources for persons afflicted with OCD, their family, friends and supporters in a comfortable and confidential environment. There is no registration and attendance is free.