Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Sleep Problems and PTSD

Many people have trouble sleeping at times. But it's more likely after you have experienced an accident, war, assault, disaster, or other traumatic event. Trouble sleeping and nightmares are two symptoms of PTSD.

You may find you are sleeping too little, or too much, or having nightmares. If these symptoms don't go away, get worse over time, or interfere with your daily life, it might be time to see a doctor.

Sleep Issues:

  • Sleep disturbances are reported in over 70% of individuals with PTSD. 

Postpartum Depression

Following childbirth, about 10 to15 percent of all women experience postpartum depression, or PPD, which is depression associated with the aftermath of pregnancy. About 30 to 70 percent experience symptoms for one year or even longer. Most women with postpartum depression are diagnosed with minor depression, but 4 to 5 percent meet the criteria for major depression. Read more about depression.

Helping Children and Teens With Anxiety Disorders and Depression

Understanding New Research and Treatment

When anxiety takes over, it interferes with your child’s ability to cope with fear, worry, and depression — and treatment is necessary.

Early intervention is critical. Waiting for your child to mature or grow out of these behaviors may not be the right approach. In some cases children may develop chronic anxiety and depression, which is often associated with substance abuse and other high-risk behaviors.