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Personal Story 05.05.2017

Being Ok with Not Being Ok

ChinaMcCarney.jpgI have lived with anxiety since 2009. I was 22 years old. My first panic attack occurred that year.

"My life began to change when I started to embrace my anxiety instead of being embarrassed by it."
Personal Story 09.14.2016

GAD: Hard to Recognize

Meredith-Arthur-websize.jpgGeneralized anxiety disorder can be hard to recognize because you may not think of yourself as worried or anxious.

The worst era of my anxiety disorder was the time before I knew I had it. I knew something was wrong, but not what.
Personal Story 09.07.2016

My Lifelong Struggle With Social Anxiety

TobiasAtkins-personal-story-social-anxiety-website.jpgFor most of my life I’ve struggled with social anxiety disorder, along with generalized an

Social anxiety is not a life sentence and with some work, you can get over it.
Press Release 03.16.2016

College-Aged Adults Face Less Mental Health Stigma

Emerging adults see value of mental health care, but accessing care still a challenge for many

College-aged adults (age 18–25) have more accepting views of mental health care than other adults, but they still see challenges when it comes to accessing care, according to results of a nationwide poll.

Page 04.23.2015

Spread the Word

Help us spread the word about the benefits of treatment for anxiety and mood disorders, OCD, and PTSD — for children and teens, women, men, and all those suffering from related illnesses.