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Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Treatment for GAD

Effective treatment options, including medications, are available for people who are diagnosed with GAD and other anxiety disorders.

Personal Story 11.23.2009

Now I’m in Control

Looking back, I recall first experiencing a panic attack in the sixth grade. I remember getting so nervous that I would have to leave class and go to the counselor’s office. Until I was 16, I was in and out of psychiatrists’ offices.

I remember getting so nervous that I would have to leave class and go to the counselor?s office.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

My Journey to Peace

I had all the typical life stressors of a married working mom. One spring I had a birth control device implanted that apparently threw my hormones and mental well-being out of whack. I switched to part-time work that summer because it allowed for a bit more rest and less stress.

I was afraid that if someone became sick, I would have another bad anxiety attack.
Personal Story 10.28.2009

Redefining My Life

My struggles with emotional and mental problems began at age 12, when I experienced my first nervous breakdown. At age 20 I was diagnosed with major depression. By the time I was 30 that diagnosis had changed to chronic major depression with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Thanks to a very loving and understanding partner, I was able to work through more of the anxiety I felt.
Page 10.16.2009

Understand the Facts - Cloned

It's a normal part of life to experience occasional anxiety.

But you may experience anxiety that is persistent, seemingly uncontrollable, and