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Webinar 05.16.2024

A New Transdiagnostic Treatment Target for Child Anxiety: Independence

This roundtable of leaders in the field of child anxiety with the goal of discusses a refocusing of CBT on the construct of child independence to bring effective treatment to far more children, reduce clinician, parent, and child resistance to treatment, and increase effect sizes. IFT is described, and preliminary data on its effectiveness is presented. The role of resilience as an outcome of independence and a possible transdiagnostic mechanism in the treatment of child anxiety is also discussed. How to adapt independence activities for children who live in inner-city, rural, and suburban settings is discussed.
Personal Story 08.16.2023

Treat Anxiety as a Mustard Seed

Most would agree that treating invasive cancer when it is still just the size of a mustard seed has a much better prognosis than waiting and treating it when it metastasizes into a larger, less curable disease. My cancer experience makes me more resolute about treating anxiety early. 
Personal Story 02.25.2020

Open Doors

I am currently typing this in bed as I’m trying to avoid getting up. It is 2:13 pm and I haven’t found the motivation to start my day.

Personal Story 03.30.2015

No More Constant Fear

Wills MurrayMy earliest childhood memories are of constant fear. A skinny kid with crooked teeth, somewhat shy and reserved with social anxiety, I was an easy target for bullies, which made my issues even more difficult to handle. I never spoke to anyone about my feelings because I felt they were my fault.

No matter how bad things seem, you were meant to win.
Personal Story 02.26.2013

Running for Myself

A lot of things scare me. Right now, those things include my first 20-mile run of marathon training that I have this weekend and sharing this post. That’s the thing with fears, though. Embracing them usually makes you stronger.

People need help. And asking for it isn?t a weakness. Admitting you need help and asking for it? That is acknowledging fear and gaining strength from it.
Personal Story 10.18.2011

Undiagnosed for Decades

Holly Youmans Kammier GAD Personal StoryI've suffered from generalized anxiety disorder, or GAD, coupled with panic attacks for more than two decades.

My first major attack struck during a bathroom break in the 7th grade. As I fought waves of nausea and shaky confusion, I feared I was the same as my bipolar father.

Feeling intense shame and a nagging fear that people would think my attacks were all in my head, I decided to hide my symptoms from even my closest friends and family.