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Personal Story 07.16.2010

Fighting the Monster of OCD

As a child, I was gregarious, outgoing, and happy-go-lucky. Then something went horribly askew at about age 12. I did not know why I was unable to focus when I had been the best reader in school. I had been talkative, but I kept to myself, remained silent, and let bullies pick on me.

Sometimes I felt as if all my thoughts were leaves in a pile on a lawn, and a huge gust of wind would blow them all around.
Page 03.11.2010

Living With OCD: One Woman's Story

The anxiety and shame started when Diance was 25. She was sitting in a pew at her church, where she is active in the ministry. It seemed to come out of nowhere. She felt as if she were going to jump out of her skin.

Support Group 12.22.2009

Toronto West OCD Group

The Toronto West OCD Group is a volunteer run peer led support group that has been meeting for 30 years. Our group endeavours to provide help and resources for persons afflicted with OCD, their family, friends and supporters in a comfortable and confidential environment.

Support Group 12.18.2009

OCD New Jersey

New groups, including for parents, teens, trichotillomania


Personal Story 11.23.2009

My Silent Child

My 5-year old boy has a cherub's face with a hint of mischief in his beautiful green eyes. Brian dances to silly music and entertains us with his antics. He tells his brother to leave him alone and he teases his sister while she does her homework.

The only difference between Brian and most other children is that while he is at school, he is mute.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

Ricky Williams: A Story of Social Anxiety Disorder

Many people know Ricky Williams as the Heisman Trophy-winning running back who had it all — fame, money, and talent. Selected as the fifth NFL draft pick out of college, he became a celebrity overnight.

I felt extremely isolated from my friends and family because I couldn't explain to them what I was feeling. I had no idea what was wrong with me.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

My Panic and Anxiety: More Than Nerves

The summer before my senior year in college, my mother died of lung cancer at the age of 57. I dealt with my loss privately, as I had handled most of my problems throughout adolescence: I repressed my grief and kept moving.

I found it most ironic; I was someone who enjoyed groups and events, and here I was hamstrung with a phobia that made me detest groups, particularly functions involving a meal.