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Personal Story 11.20.2009

Determined to Recover

Rita ClarkAfter more than 20 years of not going to a grocery store, restaurant, or public place alone, not driving out of my safe area and not attending school fu

Was I going to spend the next 40 years making clever excuses about why I was unable to participate in living, laughing, and being whole?
Personal Story 11.20.2009

Much More Than Shy

“Hi! I'm Jack. And I have an anxiety disorder.”

I'm Jack. I have social anxiety disorder. But I also have hope.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

My Childhood OCD

My experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) began in the summer I was seven years old. My father was planning a vacation to Florida with his girlfriend, my five-year-old brother, and me. I was so excited about seeing the beach and feeling real sand for the first time.

I spent hours in the bathroom scrubbing my hands raw. I felt that if I didn't take part in this routine, my mother would die. I forced myself to eat foods that I absolutely hated.
Personal Story 11.19.2009

Not Really a Rebel

I have suffered from social anxiety disorder since I was about 10 years old, or about 34 years. I was a very intelligent child, but when teachers noticed a difference in me, I started trying to be invisible. Social situations, including school, were torture.

Social situations, including school, were torture. I bulldozed my way through life, including dabbling in alcohol and substance abuse for relief of my anxiety and depression.
Personal Story 11.18.2009

My Success Over OCD

Two years ago I wondered if the horrible feeling, the gnawing in my stomach would ever leave. Inside my freshman dorm room, I lived in my own mind, fixated on my thoughts and tormented by irrational messages and faulty fears.

My introduction to college was defined by a series of irrational questions.
Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 11.17.2009

Howie Mandel Talks About OCD

TV personality and actor Howie Mandel shares his struggle with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in a public service announcement for the ADAA campaign "Treat It, Don't Repeat It: Break Free From OCD."

Press Release 11.16.2009

ADAA Launches "Treat It, Don't Repeat It: Break Free From OCD," National Educational Campaign

New Survey Reveals That OCD Has a Negative Impact on Relationships

More than half of adults with untreated obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) reported their condition has a negative impact on important relationships - at work, at home, and in their personal life, according to a new national survey commissioned by the Anxiety Disorders Association of America (AD

Page 11.12.2009

Screening for an Anxiety Disorder: Children

If you think your child may have an anxiety disorder, please answer the questions below, print out the page, and share the results with your child's health care professional.

Personal Story 10.28.2009

Redefining My Life

My struggles with emotional and mental problems began at age 12, when I experienced my first nervous breakdown. At age 20 I was diagnosed with major depression. By the time I was 30 that diagnosis had changed to chronic major depression with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Thanks to a very loving and understanding partner, I was able to work through more of the anxiety I felt.
Page 10.27.2009


Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a serious, yet treatable disorder that often occurs with depression and anxiety disorders. If not treated properly, it may become disabling.

Page 10.27.2009


Obsessions — unwanted intrusive thoughts

  • Constant, irrational worry about dirt, germs, or contamination.
  • Excessive concern with order, arrangement, or symmetry.
  • Fear that negative or aggressive thoughts or impulses will cause personal harm or harm to a loved o
Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 10.20.2009

OCD PSA With "Monk" Star Tony Shalhoub

Actor Tony Shalhoub, “Monk” creator and executive producer David Hoberman, and ADAA President & CEO Jerilyn Ross talk about obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in the ADAA campaign Treat It, Don't Repeat It: Break Free From OCD.