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Article 07.27.2018

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common and chronic disorder that manifests as uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that one continuously repeats.
Personal Story 04.24.2023

My Obsessive Life

I became successful as an electrician but would self sooth with alcohol. Once I gave that up, the emotions had to go somewhere but where?
Personal Story 07.15.2021

OCD Artist: Amy Diener on Dot Painting and OCD Triumphs

After viewing my art and story, I want others to understand that we are not alone in this and should not be embarrassed of our struggles. Instead, acknowledge them and work hard to triumph over them.
Personal Story 09.06.2012

Perfectionism and Panic

Kara Baskin familyBack in 2006, I had it all: A loving fiancé, a coveted publishing job, a supportive network of friends and family.

The world was once my oyster; now, it was my prison.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

My Childhood OCD

My experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) began in the summer I was seven years old. My father was planning a vacation to Florida with his girlfriend, my five-year-old brother, and me. I was so excited about seeing the beach and feeling real sand for the first time.

I spent hours in the bathroom scrubbing my hands raw. I felt that if I didn't take part in this routine, my mother would die. I forced myself to eat foods that I absolutely hated.