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Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Anxiety Disorders — What Is Normal?

What’s the difference between stress and anxiety? Stress can come from any situation or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, nervous, worried, or even anxious. Anxiety is a reaction to the stress, a feeling of apprehension or fear.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Defining Anxiety Disorders

Discover when you should become concerned that you might have an anxiety disorder.

Video (non-embed) 08.10.2010

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Learn the symptoms typical of anxiety disorders, and in particular of GAD, or generalized anxiety disorder. The symptoms of each anxiety disorder vary in different people, but they all provoke extreme fear or worry that interferes with daily life.

Personal Story 11.23.2009

My Silent Child

My 5-year old boy has a cherub's face with a hint of mischief in his beautiful green eyes. Brian dances to silly music and entertains us with his antics. He tells his brother to leave him alone and he teases his sister while she does her homework.

The only difference between Brian and most other children is that while he is at school, he is mute.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

Ricky Williams: A Story of Social Anxiety Disorder

Many people know Ricky Williams as the Heisman Trophy-winning running back who had it all — fame, money, and talent. Selected as the fifth NFL draft pick out of college, he became a celebrity overnight.

I felt extremely isolated from my friends and family because I couldn't explain to them what I was feeling. I had no idea what was wrong with me.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

My Panic and Anxiety: More Than Nerves

The summer before my senior year in college, my mother died of lung cancer at the age of 57. I dealt with my loss privately, as I had handled most of my problems throughout adolescence: I repressed my grief and kept moving.

I found it most ironic; I was someone who enjoyed groups and events, and here I was hamstrung with a phobia that made me detest groups, particularly functions involving a meal.
Personal Story 11.20.2009

Determined to Recover

Rita ClarkAfter more than 20 years of not going to a grocery store, restaurant, or public place alone, not driving out of my safe area and not attending school fu

Was I going to spend the next 40 years making clever excuses about why I was unable to participate in living, laughing, and being whole?
Personal Story 11.20.2009

Much More Than Shy

“Hi! I'm Jack. And I have an anxiety disorder.”

I'm Jack. I have social anxiety disorder. But I also have hope.
Personal Story 11.19.2009

Not Really a Rebel

I have suffered from social anxiety disorder since I was about 10 years old, or about 34 years. I was a very intelligent child, but when teachers noticed a difference in me, I started trying to be invisible. Social situations, including school, were torture.

Social situations, including school, were torture. I bulldozed my way through life, including dabbling in alcohol and substance abuse for relief of my anxiety and depression.