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Blog post 02.22.2024

Five Tips for DEI as a Graduate Student or Trainee with a Marginalized Identity

DEI can take up valuable time, as well as emotional and mental resources. This is particularly true for graduate students and trainees, who are simultaneously juggling research, clinical training, and personal transitions. Here are FIVE ways to ensure the important work you do, is also working for you.
Blog post 01.05.2024

How to Process Inconceivable World Events While Living Daily Life

How can we process inconceivable events and go about living our day to day lives? As a trauma and anxiety therapist, I am here to tell you that while it is extremely difficult, it is possible. Here are some suggestions for how to cope during these difficult times.
Blog post 11.21.2023

We Can Be Thankful In Times of Anxiety, Uncertainty and Tragic News

Disastrous news gets delivered in a highly emotional way – often on purpose – and while having strong feelings for the victims of war, floods, earthquakes, mass shootings or horrific accidents is justified, we also have to be logical and in tune with our own emotional processes when interpreting the news.
Blog post 03.24.2023

The Black Church: Our Refuge, Our Mental Health

Working with Black churches to create a better today and a much better tomorrow in the field (literally) of mental health care for African Americans are three Black leaders in mental health who will present at the 2023 ADAA Conference. ADAA is excited to have Bernadine Waller, PhD, Atasha Jordan, MBA, MD and Kimberly Arnold, MPH, PhD discuss their work, research and findings in a presentation titled Implementing Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions in Black Churches.
Blog post 05.05.2022

Strategies and Tips for Writing a Successful Conference Submission

So definitely submit to present. You do have something to offer either as primarily a therapist or a researcher or both. Do not doubt, just submit and see what happens. Conference submissions are not weighted based on presenters in the review process, so you have just as good a chance at acceptance as more senior submitters if you have an interesting and well written proposal.
Blog post 12.10.2021

A Look Back and a Look Ahead

Happy Holidays! I wanted to end the year by taking a moment to reflect on my tenure as ADAA president - which was served entirely during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the highlights of these two years has been all that we were able to accomplish together despite the chaos of the world.
Blog post 09.23.2021

Creating a Successful Poster

Congratulations on your poster acceptance to the ADAA conference! First let's take a moment to celebrate that accomplishment and the opportunity to present your work!

Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.
Blog post 09.10.2021

How to Build Resilient Health Care Teams

The current pandemic has unleashed unique stressors on our health care community. While many medical and mental health care workers have responded with resilience, our health care workforce is not immune to the trauma and suffering they face.