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Blog post 07.09.2021

Medical Cannabis: Cause for Pause or Avenue to Alleviation?

The growing popularity of medical cannabis coupled with increased rates of anxiety, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, has reignited a long-standing conversation about the potential effects of cannabis on psychiatric symptoms.
Blog post 05.26.2021

Is My Child Depressed?

About 3% of US children aged 2-17 are depressed, and 7% have an anxiety disorder. The good news is, there’s a lot that you can do to help your child if they’re depressed. The first step is to know the signs that may mean that your child is unhappy.
Blog post 04.27.2021

Depression: An Outsider Looks Inward

My friend’s phone call left me stunned and shaken. She had just been released from the hospital, where she had been admitted for suicidal ideation. “Suicidal ideation” was an unfamiliar term to me, but I could easily figure what it meant.

Blog post 02.17.2021

How to Know When to Seek Therapy

by Lynne Siqueland People often wonder. When does it make sense to begin therapy? Therapists use two primary reasons to see if treatment would be recommended.
Blog post 11.16.2020

Planning for Success in the Pandemic Version of the Holidays

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, especially those who are prone to anxiety and depression.  The social isolation, uncertainty about employment, income, health and the health of Covid vulnerable people you love has posed a unique challenge for us all.

Blog post 04.16.2020

The Psychosocial Side of Cancer

A cancer diagnosis brings a wealth of psychological challenges. In fact, adults living with cancer have a six-time higher risk for psychological disability than those not living with cancer.

Blog post 02.20.2020

How OCD Can Manifest in Dementia 

What is OCD? OCD is composed of two components: obsessions and compulsions.  Obsessions are recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images. The thoughts, impulses, or images are not excessive worries about real-life problems.