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Blog post 03.21.2024

Helping Children Face Their Worries and Fears: Tips from Two Psychologists

As parents we don’t like or want to see our children struggling. But worries, fears and anxieties are a natural part of life, and we have to understand that children go through these processes just like adults do. But as parents and caregivers, we should also be in tune with the degree, severity, frequency, and nature of our children’s fears and worries and know when a child might need some help.
Blog post 08.07.2023

7 Tips for Addressing Back-to-School Anxiety

As summer comes to a close, whether parents, caregivers, educators or therapists, we all understand that while exciting, the return to school can also be fraught with anxiety.
Blog post 03.09.2023

Emetophobia Vs. Eating Disorders  

To the untrained eye, the behavior of those with emetophobia may appear very similar to those with eating disorders. Outwardly, both may seem to have a strained relationship with food, their body, and certain physical bodily sensations; however, they are two separate and distinct conditions. 
Blog post 12.06.2022

Exposures for OCD: Getting Creative

The ability to be ourselves with clients makes it so much easier to connect, to be real about how challenging treatment is, and enlist their help to ensure that whatever the exposure is, its something they can tolerate, trust in, and most importantly, begin to experience relief from their intrusive thoughts and the compulsions that may dominate their lives. 
Blog post 08.16.2022

Your Kid is Off to College. What Now?

Wherever you and your kid fall on the continuum of "I hope you never leave" to "I can't wait until you move out," your child's sudden absence is likely to stir up some stuff. I am a parent and a psychologist. I went to school longer than I needed to and spent the last 20-plus years working with college students. Here's what I've learned about how to handle this change.