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Blog post 10.24.2018

Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), an unpleasant and often debilitating condition, is characterized by frequent, recurrent abdominal pain, as well as problems with constipation and/or diarrhea.

Blog post 07.19.2018

How to Calm an Anxious Stomach: The Brain-Gut Connection

Ever wonder why you get “butterflies” in your stomach before doing something stressful? Or why you feel like your stomach is “tied in knots” after an argument? Ever had a meeting with a toilet that went longer than expected and it wasn’t caused by anything you ate?

Blog post 09.23.2019

How to Overcome a Fear of Flying

Overcoming a fear of flying takes a lot of courage and practice. But it is possible with appropriate treatment.