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Blog post 03.01.2024

Don’t Wait 17 Years: Get Help for OCD

Folks with OCD see 14-17 years, on average, between OCD symptoms appearing and getting a correct diagnosis. Here are four steps as a guide to better outcomes.
Blog post 10.12.2023

Compulsions – They Aren’t Always What They Seem

Whether we hear the term from a client, another provider, or our own classification of someone’s symptoms, “compulsions” tend carry with them some level of assumption – that this might just be OCD.
Blog post 09.12.2023

New ADAA Member Books! Fall 2023

Check out our ADAA members' new books - CBT for social anxiety, an action mindset for teens and thriving with anxiety. Helpful resources to support your mental health journey.
Blog post 01.21.2023

Obsessional Doubt and Uncertainty: Are They Really Different?

We have seen an explosion of interest, questions, concerns and stimulating debate since the arrival of Inferential Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for OCD (I-CBT) in the USA. How do we distinguish between obsessional doubt and uncertainty in I-CBT? 
Blog post 12.06.2022

Exposures for OCD: Getting Creative

The ability to be ourselves with clients makes it so much easier to connect, to be real about how challenging treatment is, and enlist their help to ensure that whatever the exposure is, its something they can tolerate, trust in, and most importantly, begin to experience relief from their intrusive thoughts and the compulsions that may dominate their lives. 
Blog post 09.23.2022

Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity has become increasingly popular in news media since 2020. Toxic Positivity occurs when encouraging statements are expected to minimize or eliminate painful emotions, creating pressure to be unrealistically optimistic without considering the circumstances of the situation.  
Blog post 07.05.2022

Overcoming Insomnia and Making Improved Sleep a Reality

Getting a good night’s sleep provides many benefits. It reduces stress, supports health satisfaction, and allows one to feel overall more balanced. What happens though if the bed becomes associated with repeated stress, anxiety, and constant sleepless nights?

Blog post 02.01.2022

Managing COVID-19 Fears as Mental Health Professionals

Many mental health professionals are now conducting patient visits virtually. I am one of the only psychologists left in my building who has stayed behind to continue in-person work while abiding by COVID protocols. Since our practice specializes in refractory OCD spectrum disorders and anxiety disorders a lot of the work done at our outpatient clinic requires in-vivo exposures, which cannot be replicated on Zoom.
Blog post 01.15.2022

How to Beat the Blue Monday (and Beyond) Blues

While it’s pretty common to have periods of feeling down, sad, or blue, especially this time of year, sometimes it’s more serious than that. Depression is real, and it’s important to recognize it and get proper treatment.