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Blog post 11.14.2022

What is Toxic Masculinity and How it Impacts Mental Health

Men experience more feelings than just anger. Can you own your anxieties and face them in effective and sustainable ways? Can you let yourself feel sadness, grief, or depression without shutting down or avoiding the feelings?
Blog post 11.05.2022

Thriving in Friendships When You Have OCD

Friends are the people we keep in our lives by choice and not because of familial bonds, work contracts, or other circumstances. However, for those with the disorder, finding and nurturing friendships while in the thick of symptoms can be just as difficult. 
Blog post 11.03.2022

Mindful Meditation Works for Everyone

Meditation isn't just for yogis, mindful meditation is important for everyone to practice, and everyone can do it. Maybe you've tried it once and didn't feel like it went well—don't throw in the towel just yet. Meditation is simple and anybody can be successful at it.
Blog post 10.25.2022

This Just In: Antidepressants Don’t Work Anymore 

Please note that this is an opinion piece by an ADAA colleague member --    "...the conclusion of a study published in Molecular Psychiatry in July 2022 – that there is “no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations” – is not surprising, or even new. What is surprising is that popular media is interpreting the study’s conclusions to say that if serotonin is not the cause of depression, then antidepressants don’t work. Huh?   
Blog post 10.20.2022

Is it OCD or Social Anxiety? Or is it Both?

 In true form, for OCD lovers like myself, I posed more questions than answers in the title.  That was intentional, to be funny, eye-catching, and thought-provoking.  Hopefully, I pulled off at least two of th

Blog post 10.06.2022

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) and Men: What to Know and How it Differs

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is an unhealthy preoccupation with not just the look, shape, or feel of one’s body or a specific part, but the shame one experiences in the appearance of their body, or a certain aspect of it, really hits the mark. BDD is a chronic condition that can be debilitating and can disrupt various aspects of the person’s day-to-day life for years.
Blog post 10.06.2022

Task Force Guidance for Anxiety Screening Should Open a Series of Mental Health Support Doors

As the old adage goes, there’s a first time for everything. In the field of psychiatry, we are cautiously celebrating a recent first-time recommendation by the US Preventive Services Task Force calling on primary care providers to screen all adults under the age of 65 for anxiety. Unlike screening for hypertension or diabetes, detecting anxiety can be a lot more challenging, and getting a valid and reliable screening tool is essential.