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Blog post 08.19.2021

The Aching Red: Firefighters Often Silently Suffer from Trauma and Job-related Stress

More often, people have heard about PTSD in the context of war, with combat-exposed veterans. While combat veterans often return to the normality of the civilian life after deployment, the job of firefighters, police officers and emergency medical services workers involves regular, routine exposure to all types of traumas, for years and decades of their careers.
Blog post 08.06.2021

New to ADAA's Annual Conference? We've Got You Covered!

If you are attending ADAA's Annual Conference for the first time, welcome. With over 1,100 attendees expected and more than 100 engaging sessions anticipated, events, and networking opportunities, it could be easy to be overwhelmed.

Blog post 08.04.2021

Ease Your Return-To-Work Anxiety

Each of us manages stress in our own ways—some healthy and some unhealthy. Being proactive can help minimize some of the more unproductive behaviors. This blog shares 8 suggestions to help you navigate through these unpredictable times.
Blog post 07.21.2021

Thriving with Anxiety and Depression

In contrast to more traditional psychological approaches, positive psych concerns itself with the good stuff in life. It strives to understand what makes for a good life and how we can not only maintain average or ‘normal’ functioning but how we can actually surpass it. Positive psychology focuses on building strengths and on maximizing wellbeing. In a word, it’s all about thriving. 
Blog post 07.19.2021

Returning Safely to In-Person Learning

One of the biggest adversities children have faced in quarantine is social isolation from their peers. Schooling and extracurricular activities associated with long-term education plans were the first to go during the shutdown, as the highest priority was to protect children from the spread of the virus. While necessary for the safety of the public, this has shown to have devastating effects on pediatric mental health.
Blog post 07.09.2021

Medical Cannabis: Cause for Pause or Avenue to Alleviation?

The growing popularity of medical cannabis coupled with increased rates of anxiety, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, has reignited a long-standing conversation about the potential effects of cannabis on psychiatric symptoms.
Blog post 07.09.2021

Medical Cannabis: Cause for Pause or Avenue to Alleviation?

The growing popularity of medical cannabis coupled with increased rates of anxiety, especially in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, has reignited a long-standing conversation about the potential effects of cannabis on psychiatric symptoms.