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Article 06.16.2011

Myths & Realities

The Internet abounds in information and misinformation about panic attacks.
Article 11.11.2010

Older Adults

Experts now recognize that aging and anxiety are not mutually exclusive: Anxiety is as common among the old as among the young
Article 12.11.2009

Bipolar Disorder (cont'd)

Helping Others

The support of family and friends is important to the recovery process for anyone diagnosed with co-occurring anxiety and bipolar disorders. Taking these steps can help a loved one:

Article 12.11.2009

Bipolar Disorder (cont'd)

The Course of Bipolar Disorder

Episodes of mania and depression typically recur across the life span. Between episodes, most people with bipolar disorder are free of symptoms, but as many as one-third find that some linger.

Article 12.10.2009

Anxiety and Depression in Children

It is not uncommon for children to be diagnosed with both depression and an anxiety disorder, or depression and general anxiety. About half of people diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

Article 11.11.2009

Veterans & Military Families

Military members and their families face unique challenges. Soldiers deal with stressors in combat that may not exist in civilian life.

Article 11.11.2009


Diagnosis and treatment should start with the primary care physician. Many older people feel more comfortable talking to a doctor with whom they already have a relationship.

Article 11.11.2009


Recognizing an anxiety disorder in an older adult can be challenging. Aging brings a higher prevalence of medical conditions, concern about physical problems, and a greater use of prescription medications. Some symptoms of anxiety may include headaches, back pain, or a rapid heartbeat.

Article 11.11.2009

Women & Girls

Anxiety, depression, and co-occurring disorders can affect women and men differently. Learn how.
Article 11.10.2009

School Refusal

School refusal describes the disorder of a child who refuses to go to school on a regular basis or has problems staying in school.