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Blog post 12.07.2022

Succeeding in Your First Job Application, Part 1

Are you a newly trained CBT therapist, wondering how to start your first independent practice?  Perhaps you want to join an existing group of therapists, or you dream of renting an office and having your own practice.  When I talk to our students and members at

Blog post 11.14.2022

What is Toxic Masculinity and How it Impacts Mental Health

Men experience more feelings than just anger. Can you own your anxieties and face them in effective and sustainable ways? Can you let yourself feel sadness, grief, or depression without shutting down or avoiding the feelings?
Blog post 09.23.2022

Minding Depression: Calling on Screening and Treatment to Narrow the Gap

A newly published study on depression in the American Journal for Preventive Medicine reports that from 2015 to 2020 the prevalence of depression in the United States, particularly among adolescents and young adults in the nation, increased and that the pandemic contributed to a worsening mental health crisis.
Blog post 07.27.2022

Recognizing the Psychological Toll of Infertility in Women

There is currently an unmet mental health need for women experiencing infertility. Embedded mental health care could help bridge this gap by providing access to care in the fertility clinic, a setting that may be more convenient and comfortable for women.
Blog post 05.11.2022

Rethinking "Mental" Health

What would it be like if we approached mental health the same way we do physical health? If we normalized it. Everyone – every single human being with a human brain – needs to focus on psychological well-being.