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Personal Story 08.21.2020

I Wore My Heart on My Sleeves - Edison's Story

This is why I’m so passionate about this topic. Imagine if there was a way to help the other 7.7 million youth suffering from a mental health disorder before it led to something as damaging as suicide?
Personal Story 08.21.2019

Kennedy's Story

I was in the 10th grade when it happened.  I was in school and I had a massive anxiety attack.

Page 08.02.2019

2021 Jerilyn Ross Lecture

The State of the Art of Toxic Stress and Resilience Research: Policy and Practice Implications
Personal Story 01.22.2019


MARE is a fashion label centered on owning struggles, failures, darkness, night’MARE’s and using them to drive success, growth and positivity. We urge our community to take action, pulling oneself out of a negative space and into a positive state. Life ain’t fair, but what are you going to do about it?