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Personal Story 09.07.2016

My Lifelong Struggle With Social Anxiety

TobiasAtkins-personal-story-social-anxiety-website.jpgFor most of my life I’ve struggled with social anxiety disorder, along with generalized an

Social anxiety is not a life sentence and with some work, you can get over it.
Personal Story 06.13.2016

Clearing My Path to a Healthier Life

MikeReagan_personal-story.jpgI wish my breakthrough moment wasn’t when I thought "I'd pay good money if I could feel better." I am cheap, so the path became clearer once

Becoming educated about mental illness taught me about my life and living better.
Personal Story 05.31.2016

How Depression Changed His Life

Doug-Duncan-webcrop.jpgDepression can affect anyone — men, women, and children — at any point in their lives. And its debilitating effects show up in many different ways.

Depression hurt physically, a pain like a pit in the stomach that won’t go away.
Personal Story 04.05.2016

How Love Turns Pain Into Purpose

What can we do to prosper when facing pain and suffering in our lives?

Love isn't everything — it's the only thing.
Personal Story 09.30.2015

I’m a Comedian, and I’m Depressed

Chonda Pierce, comedianEver wonder what depression feels like?

The church is not the only judgmental group out there when it comes to understanding mental illness. There are other religions and cultures that look on mental illness as something you should be able to overcome by shear will.
Personal Story 08.05.2015

An Emotion More Powerful Than Fear

I amKristle Lowell a world champion of trampoline gymnastics, and I have suffered from anxiety for many years. Having anxiety is like having diabetes or asthma: They are all illnesses. But in 20 years as a trampolinist, I have yet to see someone yelled at for having diabetes or asthma.

Somehow I summon up the courage to compete in front of thousands of people even though I suffer from panic attacks.
Personal Story 05.21.2015

Resolve and Resilience From Panic

Rita Zoey ChinThere was a time when basic things—like driving, climbing a flight of stairs, taking a shower, or going through the checkout line at

I'm grateful for the experience of my panic, because it taught me that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to panic and anxiety.
Personal Story 03.30.2015

No More Constant Fear

Wills MurrayMy earliest childhood memories are of constant fear. A skinny kid with crooked teeth, somewhat shy and reserved with social anxiety, I was an easy target for bullies, which made my issues even more difficult to handle. I never spoke to anyone about my feelings because I felt they were my fault.

No matter how bad things seem, you were meant to win.
Personal Story 02.04.2015

"Just Perfect"

If anyoneHanne Arts had told me several years ago that everything would get better, I would have nodded while screaming disbelief inside my head. I thought things simply could not get better, that I'd be forever feel imprisoned in a dark room.

If I can do it, so can you. I believe in you. I believe in recovery.
Personal Story 11.24.2014

My Cure

Alexandra LewickeNothing could have been worse for me than being a teenager in high school — until I became a teenager in high school with depression.

Giving up cannot be an option. Be grateful. Be happy.
Personal Story 09.30.2013

Living at the Speed of Life

Marc Kohn“I’m back!” That was the phrase I’d said to myself starting in middle school when my malaise lifted and a cycle of joy came around.

I never considered that an underlying condition was hampering my ability to handle the stress. I thought, this is just how life is.