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Personal Story 11.19.2009

Speaking Up for Others

Looking back, I can see that I had symptoms of an anxiety disorder even as a small child. I remember going for weeks at a time waking up, unable to go back to sleep. Then, as if by magic, I would go back to sleeping normally.

It took a long time for me to accept that panic disorder is something I must live with. It is simply a part of my life.
Personal Story 11.19.2009

My Anxiety Rescue

Fear is an unseen enemy that can emotionally cripple and turn your life into a nightmare unless you learn, as I did, how to stage your own “anxiety rescue.”

I spent the next 20 years trying to avoid another panic attack. Unfortunately, avoiding fear also meant reinforcing it.
Personal Story 11.18.2009

My Success Over OCD

Two years ago I wondered if the horrible feeling, the gnawing in my stomach would ever leave. Inside my freshman dorm room, I lived in my own mind, fixated on my thoughts and tormented by irrational messages and faulty fears.

My introduction to college was defined by a series of irrational questions.
Personal Story 10.28.2009

Redefining My Life

My struggles with emotional and mental problems began at age 12, when I experienced my first nervous breakdown. At age 20 I was diagnosed with major depression. By the time I was 30 that diagnosis had changed to chronic major depression with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Thanks to a very loving and understanding partner, I was able to work through more of the anxiety I felt.