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Personal Story 05.03.2022

My Own Hero's Journey

Over the past 5 years, I have worked very hard not only to heal from the past trauma that I experienced but to become the man on the outside that I have always been inside. It's not been an easy journey at all, and it is not a choice, but it is worth it.
Blog post 04.27.2022

Anticipatory Anxiety: Bleeding Before You Are Cut

It is the worry about the future, the fear that bad things can happen, or that you might be unable to accomplish what you set out to do.  It can be the haunting dread of the return of an unwanted thought. or terror while waiting for a medical test result and imagining the worst.
Personal Story 02.15.2022

My Experiences with my Mother's Delusional Disorder

The Anxiety and Depression Association of America has helped me through my issues. I have been a part of this community for a few years now, and when I was struggling, reading relatable stories other people have posted on ADAA has been comforting. Especially at a young age when I knew very little about mental health.

James Cowart is a psychologist, with a PhD in Applied Behavior Analysis from Western Michigan University and an MSW degree from the University of Michigan School of Social Work, in Socio-behavioral practice.

Personal Story 01.31.2022

5 Meaningful Ways to Embrace Black Mental Health This February

I believe that the true display of strength comes from being willing to discuss and lean into the uncomfortable moments in life. Whether that is understanding the stages of grief, discussing the darker side of depression or even learning how to cope with social anxiety that comes with racial trauma, there is strength in embracing Black mental health. 
Personal Story 12.12.2021

We Have Each Other

When someone like me goes through these phases throughout my life, you feel very lonely, and nobody understands what you're going through. They see your milestone posts on social media, and they congratulate you and cheer you on, yet it only makes the emptiness much harder to fill.
Blog post 12.06.2021

Coping with Grief and Trauma During the Pandemic

As a result of this collective pandemic experience, more of us have experienced loss, both expected and unexpected. How do we manage these feelings of grief and trauma when we are faced with seemingly endless rounds of uncertainty, doubt, and fear?
Personal Story 10.29.2021

Taking the Stage as a Mental Health Role Model

Bikini competitor and IFBB pro Emily Plajer faced tragedy early in life that gave her the perspective she needed to deal with her anxiety and share her strength with others.
Personal Story 10.18.2021

Changing the Future of Mental Health and Athletics

A panic attack derailed baseball player China McCarney's plans for competition. Years later, he's learned how to cope with his anxiety and is inspiring athletes around the world to do the same.