
Wherever you and your kid fall on the continuum of "I hope you never leave" to "I can't wait until you move out," your child's sudden absence is likely to stir up some stuff. I am a parent and a psychologist. I went to school longer than I needed to and spent the last 20-plus years working with college students. Here's what I've learned about how to handle this change.
Building Resilience: Help your Child Adapt and Thrive
September 21, 2022
Mary Karapetian Alvord, PhD and
Dana Kornfeld, MD and
Beth Salcedo, MD and
Learn practical and evidence-based skills to encourage in your children as they move forward this year.
Feeling Safe at School – Coping with School Shootings and Mass Violence
August 25, 2022
Amie R. Newins, PhD and
Deborah C. Beidel, PhD, ABPP and
Learn strategies for managing fear and worry about school shootings for parents/guardians, teachers/school staff, and students.
Studies have shown a correlation with the development of PTSD and avoidance behaviors. In other words, the more one tries not to think about a traumatic event, resists revisiting a traumatic place, and avoids contact with any potential triggers of the traumatic event, the more likely one is to develop PTSD.
Understanding and Managing Chronic Pain & its Relationship with Mental Health
July 13, 2022
Risa B. Weisberg, PhD and
Dr. Weisberg reviews the common problems that often come along with chronic pain, including anxiety, depression, difficulties with pain medications and other substances, and feeling misunderstood by medical professionals and others in your life.

AMEMSA Communities

Understanding AMEMSA Communities

AMEMSA is an umbrella term grouping Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian communities in the United States by way of their shared heritage as a collective of peoples originating from the Middle East, North Africa, and South and West Asia.  While AMEMSA reflects a diverse array of people with differing religious, cultural, linguistic, geographic, historical, and political experiences, these communities certainly share many commonalities, especially in the west.

5 Tips for Finding Success for Social Anxiety & Job Interviews
July 6, 2022
Tynessa Franks, PhD and
5 Tips to help you overcome your anxiety to do your best at a job interview.
Communities of color often have cultures that are rooted in the importance of community and family. Therefore, people of color are used to taking care of others and can find it difficult to prioritize self-care. However, self-care can be a powerful mental health tool for fostering mental well-being.