
Compulsive hair pulling (trichotillomania) and skin picking (excoriation) are Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders (BFRBs). If you’re one of the 200+ million people who live with a BFRB, then you know how incredibly difficult these habits are to stop.
SPACE stands for Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions and is a game-changer for parents navigating the trickiness of childhood anxiety. SPACE is all about empowering you, the parents, to be a rock-solid support system for your child dealing with anxiety.
As the New Year approaches, many of us are drawn to the idea of starting fresh and making resolutions for positive change. However, traditional New Year's resolutions often focus on specific outcomes, setting us up for potential disappointment and loss of momentum.
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through my head Emotions were stirring, many that I dread
Fear is one of the six basic human emotions, with a clear evolutionary purpose: to help us respond to danger and survive. In Exposure Therapy, providers create a safe environment to intentionally “expose” their clients to objects, activities, or situations they fear.
In conjunction with the recent webinar "Holiday Parenting Q&A: Coping with Stress and Anxiety", psychologists Colleen Cummings, PhD, Susan Wilson, PhD, and Nina Shiffrin Starin, PhD, provide their top 3 tips for parents to help cope with stress and anxiety during the holidays.
Instead of beating yourself up for feeling anxious about your OCD symptoms, you can rewire your brain to help dial down self-critical thoughts and compassionately comfort the parts of yourself that are struggling.
Someone you love or care for very much has shared with you that they want to “transition”. What does it mean and what do you do now?
ADAA Blog Post by Ashley Smith, PhD - Research shows that the more present we are, the happier we tend to be, even when the present moment isn’t pleasant or enjoyable. Rumination is a sneaky mental habit that zaps us of joy. This is where gratitude can be particularly helpful.