
Ken Goodman, LCSW

It’s easy to understand how a major car accident would cause someone to fear driving, but most driving phobia have nothing to do with accidents.

Here is a list of the top 5 driving fears:

Ken Goodman

Everyone’s skin crawls when they hear nails on a chalkboard (remember chalkboards?).

Jacqueline Sperling, PhD

One of the key issues that consumers ask us about is how to identify warning signs in adolescents regarding anxiety and how to raise the issue with their adolescents. 

Debra Kissen, PhD, MHSA

Children of anxious parents are more at risk for developing anxiety disorders. This is because they will have both a genetic predisposition to developing an anxiety disorder and their environment may emphasize hyper vigilance to risk cues.

Aarti Gupta

Social Media outlets like Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram have become a behemoth daily presence in our lives.

Step 1: See Through OCD’s Scare Tactics

Patricia Thornton, PhD

Whether my patients have OCD, social anxiety, a phobia, panic, or are just generally anxious about life, they come into treatment wanting to be free of the uncomfortable feelings associated with anxiety.

Jennifer Shannon, LMFT

Many Americans are experiencing a higher level of worrying since the presidential election.  Our country is in midst of a big transition and the stakes are high. We don’t know what will happen and uncertainty is worrisome for many.

Kate H. Bentley, MA and Matthew K. Nock, PhD

Suicide is one of the most devastating public health problems faced by society today. In the United States, suicide is the 10th leading cause of death (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2015).

Patricia Thornton, PhD 

As my OCD patients get better with treatment, they are relieved that their obsessions are less frequent and less intense and they have more control over performing rituals. This they expect. But what can be unexpected is the feeling of mourning as symptoms dissipate.