
Mayte Forte, Alison Chavez, Bryan Balvaneda, Lorraine U. Alire, and Dr. Lizabeth Roemer

As many in the United States (US) stay home and practice social distancing to protect themselves from COVID-19, individuals from lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds face heightened barriers and risks.

Karen Cassiday, PhD

What if you have the kind of anxiety that makes you feel trapped and panicky because of the stay at home orders due to COVID-19?

Melanie VanDyke, PhD, Sandra Carusa, PhD, & Tara Warren, PharmD Candidate

Hoarding behaviors range from the normal (i.e., acquiring and saving items we do not need and/or will not use) to the clinically diagnosable (i.e., having areas of your home that are not usable due to clutter). Most of us fall somewhere on this continuum.

Shane Owens, PhD, ABPP

Before COVID-19 was declared a pandemic, many of us in mental health became aggressively helpful. We gave interviews to media outlets small and large and wrote content for wide distribution. Just before the World Health Organization made its declaration, some of us were already fatigued.