recorded webinar

Nutraceuticals and Herbs for Depression and Anxiety

Nutraceuticals and Herbs for Depression and Anxiety
Thursday, April 21, 2022 12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm ET
CE/CME Credit

Member Prices


The presentation review selected nutraceutical and herbal remedies that are used for treating depression and anxiety. We will focus on treatments that have the most evidence, as well as some that are popular but with more limited evidence. The seminar will review indications, efficacy data, dosing, as well as side effects and safety considerations for these remedies. At the completion of the seminar, the clinician should then comfortable regarding how and when to recommend these treatments to their patients who may inquire about them or who may already be using them on their own.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand what nutraceuticals and herbal remedies are, and the degree and reasons for their popularity 
  2. Describe indications, dosing, efficacy and safety of complementary therapies in mood and anxiety disorders
  3. Appreciate how these therapies can be used as part of the treatment armamentarium
Presenter(s) Biography

David Mischoulon, MD, PhD

David Mischoulon, MD, PhD

Dr. Mischoulon is the Joyce Root Tedlow Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, and Director of the Depression Clinical and Research Program (DCRP) at MGH. He graduated in 1994 from the MD-PhD program at Boston University School of Medicine, and completed his residency in adult psychiatry at MGH in 1998, serving as Chief Resident in Pscyhopharmacology.

Dr. Mischoulon's research has focused on various areas of depression, including psychopharmacology and complementary and alternative medicine. His research on omega-3 fatty acids has been funded my NARSAD, MCCAM/NCCIH, and the NIH. He mentors researchers from all over the world. He has published more than 300 articles, a textbook on natural medications, and a guide to treatments of depression. He has been an invited speaker at various sites around the country and internationally, and is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

In addition to his research activities, Dr. Mischoulon teaches and supervises MGH/McLean psychiatry residents and Harvard medical students, and also lectures in various MGH/Harvard continuing medical education programs. He serves as Director of Training in the MGH Clinical Trials Network and Institute (CTNI), where he educates research clinicians on the proper administrative of diagnostic instruments in clinical trials. He also cares for patients through the DCRP clinical practice, and is regularly sought out for consultation regarding management of treatment-resistant depression and use of complementary therapies for psychiatric disorders.

Professional Post

ADAA Continuing Education Credits for Live and On-Demand Programming

Learners complete an evaluation form to receive a certificate of completion. You must participate in the entire activity as partial credit is not available.  If you are seeking continuing education credit for a specialty not listed below, it is your responsibility to contact your licensing/certification board to determine course eligibility for your licensing/certification requirement.

Some ADAA professional webinars focused on diversity or cultural competency subject matter are eligible for the Cross-Culture Competency Diversity Credit. If a webinar is eligible for this credit, it will be reflected on your credit certificate.

All continuing education credits are provided through Amedco, LLC. Learn more about the CE/CME accreditation information here.