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Many young people struggle with feelings of loneliness and disconnection and, as a result, struggle to confide in other people. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, suicide rates among teens and young adults have gone up by 57 percent between 2007-2018. These rates are much higher now.
However, many young people find an emotional connection in fictional characters, such as Batman, Wonder Woman, Harry Potter, and Avengers. For some, these fictional characters might become surrogate friends or support groups. This talk focuses on how we can help clients learn to manage their feelings of loneliness and cultivate meaningful interpersonal connections, using fiction and narrative writing exercises as vehicles for fostering connection and posttraumatic growth. No prior experience with superheroes necessary.
Learning Objectives
- Explain the concept of Superhero Therapy and demonstrate how to incorporate pop culture examples into treatment.
- Demonstrate how to help clients to find a sense of purpose.
- Review research related to parasocial (pop-culture) relationships.