recorded webinar

Treating Anxiety and Depression in Gender Diverse Populations

Treating Anxiety and Depression in Gender Diverse Populations
Wednesday, June 03, 2020 12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm ET
CE/CME Credit

Member Prices


Gender diverse children, teens, and adults are becoming increasingly comfortable coming out and expressing their gender identities. As clinicians we need to meet this social change with an increase in our cultural humility and competency working with individuals who identify as gender minorities/gender diverse/rising gender identities. We must become more practiced with the vocabulary surrounding gender identity and increase our comfort discussing the social impacts of expressing a stigmatized identity. Gender diverse individuals face unique stressors, paired with increased risk for developing anxiety and depression. This webinar discusses population specific components of anxiety and depression development (e.g. role of stigma, coming out), and provides tangible ways to provide more accurate and affirming research, and/or more culturally informed therapy. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
1.    Describe adjustments to demographic/intake forms used in their research/ clinical work that would make forms more affirming and accurate for sexual and gender minorities 
2.    Create more culturally informed case conceptualizations for sexual and gender minority patients 
3.    Summarize how to aid patients in identifying and managing stigma using cognitive restructuring 

This webinar is also eligible for 1 Cross Cultural Competency Diversity Credit.


Presenter(s) Biography

Lauren P. Wadsworth, PhD

Member Since 2013

Dr. Lauren P. Wadsworth’s clinical practice and research primarily focus on transdiagnostic features of anxiety disorders, with additional specialties treating anxiety in LGBTQ+ populations and providing ERP for OCD. Lauren’s clinical interests include providing evidenced based treatments (primarily CBT, ERP, and Acceptance-based strategies) to individuals with anxiety and depressive disorders in outpatient settings. Lauren’s clinical and research work are both largely informed by a commitment to continuously striving to increase her cultural humility as a clinician and researcher.

Dr. Wadsworth and ADAA

"I became a member of ADAA my first year of graduate school (2012). My mentor, Dr. Sarah Hayes-Skelton, highly recommended the annual conference as a way to gain additional training and insights on treating anxiety and researching mechanisms of anxiety development and treatment. Since then, I have attended the conference yearly.

I enjoy the conference as a way to connect with other anxiety researchers and clinicians. I appreciate that the conference has historically felt more focused on clinical work and is smaller/more intimate than other conferences I have attended. I also appreciate that ADAA has explicitly committed to increasing the percentage of multiculturally informed presentations and roundtables. Most recently, I have valued serving as a co-chair of the Multicultural Advances Special Interest Group with Dr. Briana Woods-Jaeger.
ADAA has been invaluable in supporting my professional networking, especially with peers/colleagues who hold similar values regarding cultural humility.  

I am so excited to have finally reached my goal of starting an OCD Clinic in my home city of Rochester NY. The city of Rochester and surrounding rural towns have been historically underserved, especially in regards to Evidence Based Treatments for OCD and Anxiety Disorders. After launching Genesee Valley Psychology in July of 2019 we have grown to 12 clinicians- serving over 250 patients with individual therapy, an OCD Intensive Outpatient Program, and numerous OCD/DBT/CBT groups. We are excited to have our first Postdoctoral Fellows and new practicum students joining us in the Fall. I am also excited to be co-authoring "Did that just happen?! Beyond "Diversity"--Creating Sustainable Inclusive Organizations" a forthcoming book (with Dr. Stephanie Pinder-Amaker) on cultural humility in the workplace from Beacon Press."

Professional Post

ADAA Continuing Education Credits for Live and On-Demand Programming

Learners complete an evaluation form to receive a certificate of completion. You must participate in the entire activity as partial credit is not available.  If you are seeking continuing education credit for a specialty not listed below, it is your responsibility to contact your licensing/certification board to determine course eligibility for your licensing/certification requirement.

Some ADAA professional webinars focused on diversity or cultural competency subject matter are eligible for the Cross-Culture Competency Diversity Credit. If a webinar is eligible for this credit, it will be reflected on your credit certificate.

All continuing education credits are provided through Amedco, LLC. Learn more about the CE/CME accreditation information here.