Social Anxiety Disorder

Every quarter ADAA interviews three members for a blog that showcases new books by our esteemed experts.

Most of us have some anxiety when meeting someone new. But when it comes to dating, the stakes seem extra high — especially for folks with social anxiety. Read this blog for helpful tools for dating anxiety.
ADAA’s 2025 conference in Las Vegas (April 3 – 5) will focus on youth mental health, which is currently a global crisis. Drs. Fitzgerald and Forbes, this year's conference co-chairs, are dedicated to and passionate about youth mental health. Read the blog to learn more about our 2025 conference topic.
The holidays can be an exciting time filled with family, traditions and good food, but it can also be a time of intense stress, anxiety and depression. Read this blog for ways to help destress during the holidays.
In a world that values immediate gratification and ease, it can be challenging to teach kids how to tolerate these feelings without intentional practice.
Stereotypes are oversimplified generalizations about groups or categories of people. In this blog article, you’ll learn more about the connection between stereotypes and social anxiety, as well as ways to manage social anxiety that occur as a result of stereotypes.
With school in full swing for students across the country, parents and caregivers could begin to see signs of school refusal. Rogers Behavioral Health’s Dr. Heather Jones explains how to identify it and provides strategies for helping your child overcome it.
Instead of striving for the elusive “best summer ever,” focus on creating a meaningful, enriched, and engaged summer experience. Here are my top 10 tips to help you live your summer to the fullest on your own terms.
As parents we don’t like or want to see our children struggling. But worries, fears and anxieties are a natural part of life, and we have to understand that children go through these processes just like adults do. But as parents and caregivers, we should also be in tune with the degree, severity, frequency, and nature of our children’s fears and worries and know when a child might need some help.
Does the thought of using a public restroom fill you with dread? Shy bladder syndrome, or paruresis, is more than a minor inconvenience; it represents a significant performance anxiety disorder affecting countless individuals