College Students

by Lily Christophersen
Living with Emetophobia is a constant challenge. Nausea plagues me relentlessly, feeding into a vicious cycle of anxiety. Despite the hardships, I hold onto hope for progress.
by Daneisha Carter
My name is Daneisha and I'm an African American woman who suffers from severe anxiety and stress. I was around 18 years old when I had my first panic attack. I couldn't breathe and it felt like I was going to die.
by Neal Sideman

I have chosen to focus on my healing, and to say only a few words about my long period of suffering. Chances are, you already know – firsthand or secondhand – more than you'd care  to know about the suffering! My own suffering had its unique form, but essentially, it was no different from what you probably already know.

by Ryan "China" McCarney & Heather Eastman
A panic attack derailed baseball player China McCarney's plans for competition. Years later, he's learned how to cope with his anxiety and is inspiring athletes around the world to do the same.
by Molly Carroll

Why is it that artists so often depict two autonomous versions of the self? The self leaning on the sink and the self reflected in the mirror. The self pacing the kitchen in a frenzy and the self calmly seated at the table. The self barricaded inside the walk-in freezer at work for just a moment of solitude and the self leaning nonchalantly against the frozen french fries, without a care in the world.

by Tiara Johnson
Even before 2020, I dealt with my fair share of depression. I had recently graduated with a B.A. in Journalism and was forced to move back home, unemployed.