I Am an Eating Disorder Therapist Who Recovered from My Own Past Eating Disorder

I Am an Eating Disorder Therapist Who Recovered from My Own Past Eating Disorder

Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C

Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C

Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C, is the founder of The Eating Disorder Center based in Rockville, Maryland. The Eating Disorder Center provides therapy for teens and adults with eating disorders in Rockville, Maryland, well as virtually in VA, DC, FL and NY. She is the co-author of “The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery.” Jennifer has been interviewed speaking about eating disorders on television including on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, DC News Now, and PBS. She has also been interviewed by The Washington Post, TIME Magazine, CNN, US News & World Report, Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Today Show, Seventeen Magazine, In Style Magazine, and Esquire Magazine. She gives talks about eating disorders at national eating disorder conferences, therapy centers, retreats, and colleges.

This blog was originally published on the Rogers Behavioral Health,  WISE website: www.eliminatestigma.org.

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I Am an Eating Disorder Therapist Who Recovered from My Own Past Eating Disorder

I Am an Eating Disorder Therapist Who Recovered from My Own Past Eating Disorder

There is certainly stigma that therapists who are public about their mental health histories often face. Unfortunately, mental health stigma in general is still at large and many therapists may be afraid to share that they themselves have a history or are actively struggling with a mental illness.

Early in my career, I felt that I had to present as “perfect.” I didn’t disclose that I had previously struggled with my own mental illness publicly and honestly was scared about what the reaction might be if I chose to do so. However, over time I recognized the value of being open with the public that I am recovered from my own eating disorder. Time and time again, I got feedback about how helpful it was that I was open that as an eating disorder therapist and founder of The Eating Disorder Center, I too had once struggled with an eating disorder.

Now, I exclusively work with teens and adults who are struggling with eating disorders. I co-wrote the book “The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery” where I shared that I had previously struggled, and I also shared this on television. I have come a long way from the early career graduate who was terrified that someone might learn that I had my own past mental health history.

I made sure to share in session only what I feel will be helpful for each particular client and to acknowledge that everyone’s recovery journey is unique, so my path is not necessarily going to be someone else’s path. However, I think the fact that I have previously struggled with my own eating disorder has given me so much additional empathy and understanding.

I remember how exhausting it felt to be struggling with constant thoughts about food and my body, to have my life consumed by an eating disorder, and to be so miserable that I often wished I wasn’t here. And truth be told, when I was struggling there were many times when I never thought I would recover or that my life would improve. I also really struggled with “not feeling sick enough” at times and feeling like “I didn’t meet the picture of what someone with an eating disorder looks like.” I know now that there is no “look” for someone who struggles with an eating disorder and that ALL struggles with food and body are serious and deserving of treatment.

Now, that I no longer struggle with an eating disorder I have such a beautiful life. I am married to the love of my life. We have a toddler son who is my biggest joy. I am the Founder of The Eating Disorder Center, a group therapy practice based in Rockville, MD specializing in eating disorder therapy and an eating disorder therapist myself. I love to travel (something that terrified me in my eating disorder), eat out at restaurants, and have a peaceful relationship to food, movement and my body.

I am passionate about helping others to find the same freedom that I did. And my hope is that by being public about my past struggles that I can help others to feel less alone, as well as help to eradicate some of the stigma that exists.

Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C

Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C

Jennifer Rollin, MSW, LCSW-C, is the founder of The Eating Disorder Center based in Rockville, Maryland. The Eating Disorder Center provides therapy for teens and adults with eating disorders in Rockville, Maryland, well as virtually in VA, DC, FL and NY. She is the co-author of “The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery.” Jennifer has been interviewed speaking about eating disorders on television including on NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, DC News Now, and PBS. She has also been interviewed by The Washington Post, TIME Magazine, CNN, US News & World Report, Forbes, The Huffington Post, The Today Show, Seventeen Magazine, In Style Magazine, and Esquire Magazine. She gives talks about eating disorders at national eating disorder conferences, therapy centers, retreats, and colleges.

This blog was originally published on the Rogers Behavioral Health,  WISE website: www.eliminatestigma.org.

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