Screening for Specific Phobias

If you suspect that you might suffer from a specific phobia, answer the questions below, print out the results and share them with your health care professional.

To locate a specialist who treats phobias, visit the ADAA Find a Therapist.

Are you troubled by the following?

Yes     No Fear of places or situations where getting help or escape might be difficult, such as in a crowd or on a bridge?
Yes   No Shortness of breath or a racing heart for no apparent reason in certain situations?
Yes   No Persistent and unreasonable fear of an object or situation, such as flying, heights, animals, blood, etc.?
Yes   No Fear that interferes with your daily life?
Yes   No The inability to travel alone?

Having more than one illness at the same time can make it difficult to diagnose and treat the different conditions. Depression and substance abuse are among the conditions that occasionally complicate specific phobias and other anxiety disorders.

Yes   No Have you experienced changes in sleeping or eating habits?

More days than not, do you feel…

Yes   No sad or depressed?
Yes   No disinterested in life?
Yes   No worthless or guilty?

During the last year, has the use of alcohol or drugs...

Yes   No resulted in your failure to fulfill responsibilities with work, school, or family?
Yes   No placed you in a dangerous situation, such as driving a car under the influence?
Yes   No gotten you arrested?
Yes   No continued despite causing problems for you or your loved ones?

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition. Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 1994.

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Block reference
From time to time it is quite normal to avoid a situation, person, place, or thing that might…
I made a vow to never drive again, and for 7 years I didn’t. But my friend proved to me that I…