Speaking Up About Anxiety and Depression

Speaking Up About Anxiety and Depression

by Bailey Kay - Miss Sandy City International

Bailey Kay.JPG I was in seventh grade when I discovered I had anxiety. I didn't go to school for 2 months because every day my mom would take me, and I would end up on the floor of the car sobbing and hyperventilating. I was a sophomore in high school when I was diagnosed with depression. I skipped class a lot, I would cry over everything, and I would never leave the house.

I thought everyone would be better off without me.

I deal with depression and anxiety every day. I started doing pageants my senior year. I discovered I loved volunteering and helping others who were going through the same thing as me. My platform is about speaking up about depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety isn't something to be ashamed of. Everyone and anyone can suffer. So why do we make it such a taboo thing to talk about? I discovered ADAA and was amazed that they stood for everything I believed in. They want people to be able to talk about what they're going through, they don't want you to feel like you're going through these things alone. That's why I joined this organization. It has really put a step out there for people to share their stories and to be able to talk to others going through these same trials. Anxiety and depression is scary, but it's real and you don't have to feel alone.




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