Purpose and Size
Each committee will have a clearly stated purpose, including responsibilities, tasks, and term prior to beginning any work or meeting. Committees may have as few as five members and no more than 20.
- Committees may engage only in activities that are compatible with the goals, purposes, and practices of ADAA.
- Committees may develop policy or position statements for the ADAA Board of Directors to review, approve, and distribute. Policy or position statements must include the organization’s full name and logo and have approval of the Board of Directors prior to distribution.
- Committees pursuing professional or public education and outreach must present a plan of action before activities begin. The organization’s name and logo must be clearly represented on all materials. Request for funds to complete proposed activities should be included in the action plan.
- All activities of ADAA committees are performed on behalf of the organization and require Board of Directors’ knowledge and approval.
- Committees must complete an annual report that includes meetings or calls, list of members, and accomplishments.
- Committees cannot obligate any funds on behalf of ADAA.
- Activities of committees are done in coordination with assigned ADAA staff. Minutes from calls and meetings should be filed with staff.
A committee will outline the best manner to complete its tasks and decide the most effective venue to move agenda forward. An ADAA staff liaison will be assigned to each committee for support. ADAA staff will assist in setting up conference calls and meetings. Minutes from all meetings are required and should be filed with ADAA staff.
The chair and all members must be ADAA members in good standing. The committee chair will be appointed or approved by the Board Liaison. Participation on committees is voluntary, and no payment will be made to any member for services. All members must complete conflict of interest forms; have an equal vote. ADAA members can volunteer to serve or be recruited by the committee chair or Board of Directors.
Terms of Service
Chair of a committee will serve a one-year term; members will serve a two-year term. All terms may be renewed.
Selection Criteria
- Commitment to the purpose of the committee
- Dedicated to focus on ADAA initiative without conflicting concerns; ability to put ADAA first
- Attentive to requests and meets deadlines
- Work effectively with other committee members
- Participate on conference calls and meetings
Conflict of Interest
Members will adhere to the ADAA policy on conflict of interest. Individuals as well as staff will make the chair aware of relevant disclosures made by committee members. It is the responsibility of the chair to raise issues of conflict during meetings and calls.
Removal of Committee Members
Individuals will be removed if they are no longer members of the organization in good standing. Individuals can be removed from a committee for lack of disclosure; obligating ADAA to financial arrangements or contracts (with a hotel, vendor, travel agency, speaker, entertainer, publisher, or other service or company) without prior written approval and agreement from the President; using the ADAA logo or name in ads or print electronic material without permission; offering organizations, universities, businesses, or individuals partnership in activities without prior written approval from the President; or lack of participation on calls, meetings, or activities.