Justification Tool Kit

Connections. Science. Practice. Training.

ADAA Justification Tool Kit

Top 10 Reasons to Attend the Conference

  1. Meet the leaders in the fields of anxiety disorders, OCD, PTSD, and depression.
  2. Build networks that last a lifetime.
  3. Access high-quality educational sessions.
  4. Acquire new practice strategies and techniques.
  5. Discuss complex cases and treatment of comorbid disorders.
  6. Apply empirically supported psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy interventions.
  7. Translate and disseminate new basic and clinical research.
  8. Connect with researchers from around the world to advance science.
  9. Use technology and social media to enhance research and practice.
  10. Earn CE or CME credits.

Talking Points & Tips 

Try these to persuade your employer, chair, or mentor to approve your attendance at the Anxiety and Depression Conference.

  • Clarify that this is an investment in you—as well as your practice or institution. Talk about what you’ll bring back after the meeting, including new knowledge about research and patient care.
  • Make sure you offer to share the information you will gain with colleagues, leadership, trainees, fellows, and students; a quick presentation could be an invaluable way for others to benefit from your attendance. Propose writing a brief statement about the conference for your internal newsletter or website.
  • Share the online program guide with those who approve travel. The wealth of sessions offered will help reassure them that this trip is all about education.
  • Emphasize that this is a chance to earn valuable CE or CME credit that is essential to remain eligible for licensure and certification and keep you qualified to provide expert patient care.
  • Point out that ADAA will put you in touch directly with vendors who exhibit at the meeting. You can network with these vendors and bring back new contacts that will benefit the entire organization.

Download the justification letter to customize for your specific needs.

If you need more information that would help allow you to attend, don’t hesitate to e-mail us.

See you in April!

Educational Resources
Tips & Strategies from our Member Experts and Public Community
Block reference
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