
by Michael E. Reagan, Jr.

MikeReagan_personal-story.jpgI wish my breakthrough moment wasn’t when I thought "I'd pay good money if I could feel better." I am cheap, so the path became clearer once cost was no longer a concern. After I decided to get help for my depression, one challenge was telling a receptionist why I wanted therapy. I had never told anyone I felt depressed.

by Doug Duncan

Doug-Duncan-webcrop.jpgDepression can affect anyone — men, women, and children — at any point in their lives. And its debilitating effects show up in many different ways. Doug Duncan tells us how depression changed his life.

by Hanne Arts

If anyoneHanne Arts had told me several years ago that everything would get better, I would have nodded while screaming disbelief inside my head. I thought things simply could not get better, that I'd be forever feel imprisoned in a dark room.

by Alexandra Lewicke

Alexandra LewickeNothing could have been worse for me than being a teenager in high school — until I became a teenager in high school with depression.

The holidays can be an exciting time filled with family, traditions and good food, but it can also be a time of intense stress, anxiety and depression. Read this blog for ways to help destress during the holidays.
by Asato Kitamura
Despite anxiety and depression, I was fortunate enough to overcome my traumas by learning how to repurpose them as inspiration. Today, fashion and fine art allow me to offer the world both a physical and mental embrace.
In a world that values immediate gratification and ease, it can be challenging to teach kids how to tolerate these feelings without intentional practice.
Election Day has come and gone. However, given the polarization that accompanied this election, it’s not unlikely that you may be experiencing a variety of emotions and thoughts.
Politics, especially during the election cycle, generates a lot of worry and concern. Read Dr. Kramer's blog for ways to balance mental health and politics.
by Kurt Warner
To this day, both writing and reading are essential strategies in my quest to overcome bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and a severe traumatic brain injury that I suffered.