Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

by Jasmin Correa
I directed my high school senior film, "Crooked Parallel Lines" based on my own struggles with OCD. I personally struggle with colors especially green and red, I see green as good luck and red as bad luck.
by Gilad from Anxious and Abroad

When I booked my trip to Asia, I was 23, fresh out of college, and a 100% bundle of nerves. I had just learned about my relationship with mental health (I’ve got that delightful combo of Moderate Anxiety & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and was working in sync with my therapist to manage it. 

Patrick McGrath, PhD

My newest way to explain OCD to a patient and family.

by Deb Tokarz

It’s liberating to talk about my struggles with mental illness. That is now that I’ve come out on the other side. There was a time I hid my anxiety and depression because I was embarrassed and didn’t understand my emotions. I took solace in reading about others on the ADAA website — knowing I was not alone. 

Kimberly Morrow, LCSW

I presented a complex case recently at the Anxiety and Depression Association of America that challenged my clinical skills, but more importantly, deeply affected the quality of life of the person I was treating.

Group for Caretakers of Individuals with OCD


This support group is appropriate for family members & friends of children or adults with OCD or Obsessive Compulsive-Related Disorders. Members will receive information regarding OCD & support from other members.  We will discuss ways to encourage & motivate your loved one in their ERP goals & how to stop participating in rituals.  You will have an opportunity to discuss personal experiences & challenges as well as get expert information about OCD. This is an open group. Members can join at any time.

by Emily Schroeder

Count On Me_0.jpgWe are a group of filmmakers at the American Film Institute. We are in the midst of fundraising a short film, “Count on Me,” which is the inspiring and emotional tale of Sam, a young boy with OCD trying to survive in a world that looks down on him for his disability.

by Bella King

Bella King (2)_0.jpgMy name is Bella, and I’m 10 years old. Last year I was diagnosed with OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. A lot of people think OCD is just about having to keep things clean and organized, but that really isn’t the whole picture.