Set Mo - Nightmares

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setmo (2)_0.pngAnxiety is something that affects so many of us to varying degrees and is too often overlooked. When we wrote our track Nightmares in London with Scott Quinn the darker mood of the music made us explore this idea of anxiety and how it can feel suffocating. Scott had some great lyrics that really capture different effects that certain situations can have on people. 
As an artist there is always an element of anxiety or being unsure about what you’re doing and how it will be perceived. It’s so easy to overthink things and get caught up in your own head. We felt it’s important to talk about this issue as we can all feel overwhelmed from time to time and it’s important that people feel it’s ok to talk about it and seek help when they need it. 
When we decided to create a music video for this song a good friend of ours, James Chappell, jumped to mind straight away. He’s an amazing director and has done some incredible music videos. We’ve wanted to work with him for a number of years however we all knew it had to be on the right project. James’ darker, edgier style definitely felt appropriate for this particular track as it’s also considerably darker compared to our usual sound. James loved the track and the meaning behind it as he connected with it on a personal level. His vision of a young chef battling with his internal demons after suffering a panic attack at work on a stressful night is something we feel a lot of people can connect with.
It’s often hard for other people to understand exactly what demons you might be dealing with personally so never be afraid to share exactly what you’re feeling and going through. There’s no shame in being open with these things and there are so many people and organisations that are ready to help if you need it just like ADAA. 

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At ADAA we value each and every one of our members and feel that all of them are a distinguished…
While I don’t have personal experiences with anxiety or depression, I’ve dedicated this project to…