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Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 05.21.2014

My Age of Anxiety

Drawing on his own long-standing battle with anxiety, Scott Stossel, author of My Age of Anxiety: Fear, Hope, Dread, and the Search for Peace of Mind, presents the history and efforts to understand an affliction that is pervasive yet often misunderstood.

Page 04.30.2014

Teaching Slides: CBT for Anxiety and Depressive Disorders

To better disseminate information on science-based practice, the slide sets below were created by ADAA Scientific Council member Michael Otto, PhD, for use in teaching about cognitive-behavioral interventions for anxiety disorders. 
Video (YouTube or Vimeo) 04.24.2013

Glass People

In "Glass People," filmmakers John Berardo and Brian Frager, USC School of Cinematic Arts, illustrate college-age anxiety and the great value of finding professional help.
This short film premiered at the 2013 Anxiety and Depression Conference in La Jolla, California.

Personal Story 02.26.2013

Running for Myself

A lot of things scare me. Right now, those things include my first 20-mile run of marathon training that I have this weekend and sharing this post. That’s the thing with fears, though. Embracing them usually makes you stronger.

People need help. And asking for it isn?t a weakness. Admitting you need help and asking for it? That is acknowledging fear and gaining strength from it.
Personal Story 09.06.2012

Perfectionism and Panic

Kara Baskin familyBack in 2006, I had it all: A loving fiancé, a coveted publishing job, a supportive network of friends and family.

The world was once my oyster; now, it was my prison.